Recently i have created a XML web service and web referenced it from within a mobile web form. In the the side of web service, i created a dataset that retrieved data from database. I am SURE that this web service is working fine because i can run the service through web browser. In the side of mobile web form, i do as following. I assign the table from dataset to dataview and then bind the dataview to objectlist's datasource.
But unfortunately i get a message like "System.Exception - Must have one or more fields to databind. (Application may have autogenerated fields from an empty DataSource. To clear items, set DataSource to null.) Method:OnDataBinding"
It said that the datasource is empty but when i use the Sqlcommand to assign table to DataReader dr and dr is assigned again to objectlist's datasource then it's FINE!
i try IsPostBack but it is worst that nothing is displayed.
Is it that i use the DataView improperly? It's urgent!...THANX
private void Activities_Activate(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Create a new instance of the XML Web service.
Service1 ActService = new Service1();
// Get a DataSet from the XML Web service.
DataSet ActivityData = ActService.GetActivities();
// Create a new DataView using the Mountains table.
DataView dv = new DataView(ActivityData.
//SqlCommand myCommand =
//new SqlCommand("select * from MediActivities", dbConnection);
//SqlDataReader dr = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
ObjectActivitiesList.DataSource = dv;
// The name of the field to display
ObjectActivitiesList.LabelField ="Activity_Name";
ObjectActivitiesList.AutoGenerateFields = true;