
XML XDocument Load web rss feed link in silverlight

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Hi All,

In my application I am working with the RSS Feeds for that I am loading the XML document is as follows

XDocument Feeds = XDocument.Load(txtRssUrl.Text);

While running in the above statement getting error is as follows 

Cannot open 'http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Rss/News.aspx'. The Uri parameter must be a relative path pointing to content inside the Silverlight application's XAP package. If you need to load content from an arbitrary Uri, please see the documentation on Loading XML content using WebClient/HttpWebRequest.

Here i am Using the XDocument because i am writing this code under an Silverlight application so here it does not support XmlDocument

so please slove this one ASAP

It is Urgent…
Thanks and Regars