Approved Idea

Send email notification for latest News

Rajeesh Menoth
  • Send latest news letters to every one. Like new technologies news,etc.
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    Mahesh Chand
    We're thinking about it. The reason its not implemented is simple. We've about 2.4 million registered members. To send that many emails, it requires separate dedicated mail servers and cost of sending mails is very high. Out of those, 80% emails go to Spam folders, Out of rest of 20%, only 4-5% open and clicks on it. However, we're going to implement as a newsletter and try it out.
    Bhavik Patel
    It's should be important news only which is important for developers.
    Suthish Nair
    I think, we had this long back but got discontinued due to various reasons. Admin can comment more.
    Nilesh Joshi
    That would be great, additionally if member or non-member can pick and choose the news/article category that would be awesome, coz not everyone might be interested in everything !