C# Corner Website Updated

We are pleased to announce some major updates and design changes in the C# Corner portal so as to make it more informative and user-friendly. Here is the list of updates.
Header Menu
We've added an EVENTS link that will list Chapter events and conferences. Now, all events and conferences can be browsed via this link.
We've also moved footer links to the header, into the MORE links drop down.
Now, a clean footer has been implemented with all section links moved to the header.
Design Tweaks
In October 2016, we asked for your votes for content view page. As per your suggestions, we have applied the changes, and from now on, you will see the content in a new better style, as shown below.

As shown in the above image, icons for sharing and editing the content are moved from the top to the left of the content.
We've improved the performance and download speed of the webite. Also responsive design has changed as well.
Your suggestions and feedback have been a motivation for us. Let them keep coming. Please share your feedback about these new updates so that we can get the motivation to keep improving the C# Corner website.
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