Google Develops AI With Human-like Learning Speed

Recently, Google has achieved a new milestone with developing an AI that can learn as quickly as an actual human brain does. Google’s subsidiary, DeepMind, claims that they have mimicked the method and process of human learning in this AI technique, that makes it act and assimilate on new experiences very quickly, almost equal to actual human being.
Deep learning works in an interesting way. It uses layers of neural networks to locate trends or patterns in data. If one layer identifies a pattern, that information will be sent to the next layer. This process continues until all the information is collected.
However, one of the primary problems with deep learning is that deep neural networks have many layers, and when changes are present, the process of learning can take an incredibly long time. In an interview with MIT Technology Review, the DeepMind team addressed this problem with a solution,
“Neural episodic control demonstrates dramatic improvements on the speed of learning for a wide range of environment. Critically, our agent is able to rapidly latch onto highly successful strategies as soon as they are experienced, instead of waiting for many steps of optimization.”
With this new step by Google, along with AI developments done by other companies, it seems that we will soon be experiencing science fiction coming true with near human intelligent machines.
Scary but exciting!
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