Features of Visual Studio 2010

Here are some of the features of Visual Studio 2010

1) Silverlight Project Template:-In VS2005,VS2008 Silverlight Project template is separate download, but VS2010 no need to download and install Silverlight project template

2) Asp.net MVC Project Template:-VS2008 Asp.net MVC Project template is separate download, but VS2010 no need to download and install Asp.net MVC project template

3) InstallShield 2010 Project Template:-VS2010 introduced great project setup development using InstallShield.

4) Search Project Templates:-In VS2010 we can Search Project Type Templates using Search in New Project/New Website dialog

5) Multi Target framework:-VS2010 also support Multiple Framework support.

Supporting Versions:-

.Net Framework 2.0
.Net Framework 3.0
.Net Framework 3.5
.Net Framework 4.0

Tools to Help You Quickly Explore Code


In any code editing window or text editing window, you can quickly zoom in or out by pressing and holding the CTRL key and moving the scroll wheel on the mouse. You can also zoom textual tool windows, for example, the Output window. The zoom feature does not work on design surfaces or on tool windows that contain icons, for example, the Toolbox or Solution Explorer.

Box Selection

In previous releases of Visual Studio, you could select a rectangular region of text by holding down the Alt key while selecting a region with the mouse. You could then copy or delete the selected text. VS 2010 adds the following new capabilities to the box selection feature:
  • Text insertion: Type into a box selection to insert the new text on every selected line.
  • Paste: Paste the contents of one box selection into another.
  • Zero-length boxes: Make a vertical selection zero characters wide to create a multi-line insertion point for new or copied text.
You can use these capabilities to rapidly operate on groups of statements, such as changing access modifiers, setting fields, or adding comments.

IntelliSense Suggestion Mode

IntelliSense now provides two alternatives for IntelliSense statement completion, completion mode and suggestion mode.

Use suggestion mode for situations where classes and members are used before they are defined. In suggestion mode, the editor shows the symbol you typed instead of the entry from the members list. When you commit an entry in completion mode, the editor shows the entry that is highlighted on the members list.

When an IntelliSense window is open, you can press CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR to toggle between completion mode and suggestion mode.

Cloud Computing Tools

In Visual Studio 2010, you can easily install and enable Windows Azure Tools. Windows Azure Tools enable you to build scalable Web applications and services on Windows Azure. To enable Windows Azure Tools, click Cloud Services in the New Project dialog box.

SharePoint Development

In Visual Studio 2010, SharePoint development is significantly improved. You can create, edit, debug, package, and deploy and activate SharePoint projects from within Visual Studio. Site deployment is as easy as pressing F5. You can even browse SharePoint sites by using Server Explorer/Database Explorer.

WPF and Silverlight Designer

In Visual Studio 2010, various designer improvements have been made to help you create Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight applications.

Improved Support for Silverlight

In Visual Studio 2008, the designer support for Silverlight projects was limited to a read-only Preview window. In Visual Studio 2010, the designer support is the same for Silverlight as it is for WPF projects. For example, in Silverlight projects you can now select and position items with the mouse on the designer surface.

Drag-and-drop Data Binding for WPF

After you add a data source to your project, you can generate data-bound Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls by dragging items from the Data Sources window to the WPF Designer.

Visualizing WPF objects

The debugger in Visual Studio 2010 includes the WPF Tree visualizer, which displays WPF objects in a more useful way. When you invoke the visualizer on a WPF object from the Watch window, you see the object displayed as a tree and a list of properties.

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