Introduction By default in an ASP.NET Web site, visitors can browse the site anonymously, load pages, and download the content we provide. They do not have to provide any credentials for example, by logging in to the site. For most Web sites, of course, this is just what we want. However, there are occasions, depending on the type of content we provide, when we want to force users to identify themselves before they access the content. This might be as soon as they arrive at the site, or it might be at some point such as a checkout, when they are buying goods, or just so that we can allocate forum posts this visitor makes to them like web portal. Configuration Files Most of the default configuration settings for ASP.NET web sites we create are in the web.config and machine.config files stored in the folder C\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v[version]\CONFIG\ of your PC. We can override most of these settings simply by placing a web.config file in the folders of your site or application. Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Web Developer can automatically create these files to enable debugging of pages as we build your site. The <system.web> section of the web.config file can contain a section named <authorization> that controls access to the site and to individual subfolders with the site's virtual root. If there is no <authorization> in the local or default web.config file, the equivalent section in the configuration file for the machine, machine.config, provides the settings. <system.web> ... <authorization> <allow users="*" /> </authorization> .... </system.web> ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization Once ASP.NET starts to process the request received from IIS, it does so using its own configuration and security settings. These are wholly contained in the machine.config file and more specifically the various web.config files in the root and subfolders of your Web site and application directories. These are the settings the ASP.NET Web Administration Tool is specifically designed to manage. ASP.NET Authentication Settings The <authentication> element can appear in a web.config file in the root of your Web site or a virtual application root folder. It specifies the type of authentication ASP.NET uses, the specific settings for this authentication process and, optionally, the accounts that have access to ASP.NET resources. <system.web> ... <authentication mode="Windows|Forms|Passport|None"> <forms name="name" path="/" domain="domain name" loginUrl="url" defaultUrl="url" protection="All|None|Encryption|Validation" timeout="30" slidingExpiration="true|false" requireSSL="true|false" cookieless="UseCookie|UseUri|UseDeviceProfile|AutoDetect" enableCrossAppRedirects="[true|false]"> <credentials passwordFormat="Clear|SHA1|MD5"> <user name="username" password="password"/> </credentials> </forms> <passport redirectUrl="internal"/> </authentication> ... </system.web> The mode attribute specifies the type of authentication process. The three types are:
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