Web Service Design for Chunked Transfer of Large Quantities of Data


It is a common requirement in XML Web services design to implement means for sending binary data back and forth between the client and the server. What often comes as an additional burden is very high upper limit in allowed data volume. For example, service used to upload and download videos might have limit in video size measured in gigabytes. With such requirement at hand it is obvious that some specific decisions must be made when designing the service.

Even in much simpler cases such specific design must be employed as well. For example, if images are to be uploaded and downloaded, that also puts the data volume limit far into order of megabytes. With moderate network bandwidth available, transfer of images would take at least several seconds, which can certainly not be viewed as an instantaneous operation.

Hence the conclusion that every Web service supposed to transfer binary data must be designed to expect transfers to take longer periods of time. In addition, Web service should be prepared to sustain high data transfer rate for prolonged periods of time without suffering performance loss.

In this article we are going to demonstrate design techniques which can be used to produce such Web service. Solution which will be developed along the course of this text is for demonstration purpose only and cannot be applied to practical, real world problems as is. But we hope that methods used to develop it can be applied to much more complex cases.

First we will start with defining requirements that must be met by the Web service to consider it a good solution. Then we will design the Web service and corresponding client for a simple task of uploading and downloading files.


In data transfer operations both client and server must be able to control the transfer all the way long, from the first to the last byte. If either side is not able to control the process then it might become unresponsive. And that is the least favorable property of any software. If unresponsiveness takes longer time, like ten seconds or more, then it becomes a serious problem and a drawback of the whole application.

Therefore main request placed in front of the client and the server, beyond the trivial fact that they are supposed to actually transfer data among each other, is that both must be responsive at all times. And to be responsive means to respond to messages sent by other entities or even by each other. Now we should ask what those messages are, to which client and server should respond. Server typically must respond to messages regarding state of shared resources, like free memory or available CPU. It must be able to control amount of resources allocated to specific client during the course of the long operation, so that overall server stability is not jeopardized. Further on, server must be able to cancel the ongoing operation and to release all resources allocated for it. On the other side client should be able to receive progress indications. It should also be able to cancel current operation at will.

In many practical cases these requirements can be formally defined as the following list:

  1. Upload server must be able to define allowed transfer rate, so to limit amount of resources allocated to a single remote client. If client attempts to upload at higher rate, its request may fail.
  2. Upload server must be able to provide progress indication to the client.
  3. Upload client must be able to cancel further transfer and to quit all the data transferred up to the cancellation point.
  4. Download client must be able to set the transfer rate at which it can accept data from the server.
  5. Download server should be able to provide progress indication, or at least total amount of data that will be sent to the client, so that client can calculate the progress based on amount received so far.
  6. Download client must be able to cancel further download at any point.
  7. Both upload and download operations must be recoverable. It means that if connection between client and server is for any reason broken, then transfer should continue from the point when it was interrupted once the connection is restored.

In the following section we will design Web service and appropriate client for the simple task of uploading and downloading files.

Solution Design

One of the simplest techniques used to build responsive application is to perform work in time slices - short amounts of time between which short maintenance tasks can be performed. For example, long calculation can be executed in a loop. Application would then test presence of a certain signal before every iteration step. If signal is present, further calculation would be cancelled. Otherwise, operation would be continued for one more iteration.

Similar technique can be applied to data transfer. In this case slicing would be done over data, rather than time. For example, client could send data in chunks not larger than 10 kilobytes in size. That would give the server opportunity to do maintenance work between each two successive chunks. That is the core idea in the solution which will be presented in this article. We are going to design a Web service which receives chunks of data and when all chunks are received, that will mean that whole file has been received.

This design implies that client will contact the server many times before the file is fully transferred. So we need a method to ensure that server will know that successive calls are actually coming from the same client and that data transferred in each of the calls are part of one consistent data stream. Luckily, we already have a solution to that very same problem in Web applications in general - it is called sessions.

Client's communication with the server is done in multiple requests being sent over time, each followed by the response from the server. The glue which connects those requests, which are generally executed over separate socket connections opened and closed in distinct intervals in time, is a token called session ID. It is preserved at client at all times until the overall communication is complete. When client contacts the server for the first time, it receives a unique session ID. With every next request, client sends the token to the server, so that server knows that the request is a continuation of previous communication.

Upload Server Design

First method which we will design in the Web service, i.e. on the server side, is the one used to initiate file upload. The method will be named BeginUploadFile and it will return new file handle. This handle will be later used to identify the file in the following upload operations. In addition to that, method will return an output value indicating maximum accepted chunk size. Here is the method definition:

public string BeginUploadFile(out int maxChunkSize)

    maxChunkSize = 128 * 1024;    // This server will not allow more than 128KB to be sent in one call

    // Now we will create a temporary file in temporary directory
    // File name will be in form _partNNN.dat, where NNN is a three-digit unique number
    // This unique number will then be returned as file handle

    DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + "FileUpload");
    if (!dir.Exists)
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int n = 0;
    string name = null;

        n = rnd.Next(1000);
        name = string.Format("_part{0:000}.dat", n);
    while (dir.GetFiles(name).Length > 0);

    // At this point we have obtained unique name which is identified by number n

    FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir.FullName + "\\" + name, FileMode.CreateNew);

    // Now we have created a file of size zero, which is server-side representative of the file handle

    // Finally, return handle to the caller
    return n.ToString("000");


This method basically creates a file under the FileUpload directory within the temporary files directory. The file name contains a part which is randomly generated, and that part is actually returned as new file handle. It is very important that handle is stripped off from all meaningful information other than trivially available, such as timestamp and similar. Handle, as well as session IDs, should be such that client cannot intentionally generate valid value in order to try to overtake other client's session and use it to do damage. In our demonstration handle is a three-digit random number. In more serious applications string of length 20 characters or so would probably be more appropriate, and more secure.

Next method exposed by the Web service is named UploadChunk. As its name implies, this method will upload part of the file by effectively appending data to partial file on the local file system. Method receives three parameters: file handle previously obtained from the BeginUploadFile method, array of bytes which is the content of part to append to file and position at which block of data starts in the complete file. Since we are appending data to partially completed file, this position would have to match current length of the file. Here is the source code:

public void UploadChunk(string fileHandle, byte[] data, long startAt)

    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + "FileUpload\\_part" + fileHandle + ".dat");

    // Perform validation
    if (!fi.Exists || fi.Length != startAt)
        // Do whatever needs to be done when validation fails

        // When validation has passed,
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Append))
            fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);


Method first processes the file handle by simply constructing the path to the file. Next step is to validate input data - in our case just to verify that file exists and that startAt matches current file length, in which case buffer content would be appended at the end of the file, as expected by design. When verification has passed, method performs the operation by appending content of the buffer at the end of the file.

Note that this method is declared as one-way, which means that client will not wait for the returning SOAP message, but it will consider the request completed as soon as it gets low-level TCP/IP confirmation that its request has been successfully posted to the server. This measure ensures that client will get onto sending the next chunk as soon as possible. But on the downside, this feature cuts off any feedback from the server through this method - there is no way for the client to find out whether storing data went well or not. Even if server threw the exception, that would not be sent back to the client.

To have the issue resolved Web service can expose a method which indicates current status. Client may invoke this method once in a while and, if status is not correct, it could jump back through data and repeat last couple of upload operations. Calling this status method rarely enough would ensure that performance will not diminish due to waiting for server to respond. This little complication may be afforded in practice because setting the UploadChunk method to be one-way would typically double the upload speed because half of the round trip is saved with every chunk. Here is the GetStatus method, which can be used to read current upload status:

public long GetStatus(string fileHandle)
    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + "FileUpload\\_part" + fileHandle + ".dat");
    long pos = (fi.Exists ? fi.Length : 0);
    return pos;

This implementation simply returns current length of the partial uploaded file, which indicates total amount of data successfully uploaded so far.

Last method exposed by the Web service is named EndUploadFile and it must be invoked every time when a file is uploaded. This method receives file handle, so that server knows to which file to turn its attention, and a flag indicating whether file upload has been complete or client wishes to cancel further upload.

public void EndUploadFile(string fileHandle, bool quitUpload)

    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + "FileUpload\\_part" + fileHandle + ".dat");

    // Validate handle
    if (!fi.Exists)
        throw new System.ArgumentException();

    if (quitUpload)
        FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + "FileUpload\\file" + fileHandle + ".dat");
        if (targetFile.Exists)

Again first step in the method is to determine file location from file handle and to verify that file exists. When verification passes, method will either delete temporary file (if quitUpload flag is set to true), or rename the file into permanent form (overwriting any existing file with the same name). These last steps mimic the cleanup logic which would be implemented in a real world system when data upload ends.

These methods complete design of the upload server. Following section will present the client design.

Upload Client Design

Client can be designed in quite a simple way, for example like this:

FileTransferServer srv = new FileTransferServer();
int maxChunkSize = 0;
string fileHandle = srv.BeginUploadFile(out maxChunkSize);

byte[] buffer = new byte[maxChunkSize];

using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("<file path here>", FileMode.Open))
    int bytesRead = 0;
        long pos = fs.Position;
        bytesRead = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        if (bytesRead < buffer.Length)
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref buffer, bytesRead);
        srv.UploadChunk(fileHandle, buffer, pos);
        Console.WriteLine("Uploaded {0} of {1} bytes (handle={2})", fs.Position, fs.Length, fileHandle);
    while (bytesRead > 0);
srv.EndUploadFile(fileHandle, false);

This implementation first instantiates the proxy class and then makes a request to the server's BeginUploadFile method, as to initiate the file transfer. Method's return value is remembered in the fileHandle string variable, and that is the handle which will be provided in all subsequent calls until this particular file upload completes.

After this introduction, series of calls to the UploadChunk method are made until all data contained in the file are sent to the server. Once done, a single call to EndUploadFile is made to indicate that upload is complete. Beyond this line, current value of fileHandle variable is no more valid, because server has already forgotten it.


In this article we have presented server and client code for chunked file upload. Techniques used to code these two entities can be employed in many other solutions. Advantages of chunking technique are that it can be applied in virtually any communication protocol (HTTP, XML Web services, sockets, etc.) and that it is very simple to implement. If one system is capable to send data in one segment, then it is certainly capable to send it sliced into pieces. Hence only a small change in design is required to introduce chunking into an existing system. On the negative side, chunking does not resolve the issue of responsiveness completely. It is so because client and server have opportunity to exchange control messages only between the chunks. If sending of one block of data gets stuck, then all communication gets stuck.

This problem can be overcome by putting the complete communication on a separate thread. As long as control messages sent between chunks only affect present session (e.g. sending of one file), outer world can assume whatever it wants about that session - e.g. that it has ended instantaneously when outer entity has instructed the client on a separate thread to cancel the sending. The fact that effective cut off will occur only after current chunk is sent, which might not be instantaneous at all, does not affect the rest of the system. This particular design is discussed in the next article titled "How to Improve Responsiveness of Objects that do not Guarantee Responsiveness" (http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/b81385/8914/).

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