The GraphicsState class represents the state of a Graphics object. This class
does not have any useful properties or methods, but it is used by the Save and
Restore methods of the Graphics object. A call to the Save method saves a
GraphicsState object as an information block on the stack and returns it. When
this object is passed to the Restore method, the information block is removed
from the stack and the graphics state is restored to the saved state.
You can make multiple calls to Save (even nested), and each time a new state
will be saved and a new GraphicState object will be returned. When you call
Restore, the block will be freed on the basis of the GraphicsState object you
pass as a parameter.
Now Let's see how this works in our next example. We create a Windows
application, add a MainMenu control and its items, and write click event
handlers for these items. Listing 9.14 creates and saves graphics states using
the Save method, then restores them one by one. The first saved state stores
page units and a rotation transformation; the second state stored a translation
transformation. We save the first graphics state as gs1. Then we call the
TranslateTransform method, which translates and transforms the graphics object.
We save the new graphics state as gs2. Now we call ResetTransform, which removes
all the transformation effects. Then we draw an ellipse. We restore the graphics
states by calling GraphicsState.Restore methods for both gs1 and gs2, and we
fill a rectangle and draw an ellipse, respectively.
LISTING 9.14: Saving and restoring graphics states
private void
SaveRestoreMenu_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs
// Create a Graphics object and set its
backgorund as the form's background
Graphics g =
// Page transformation
g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
// World transformation
g.RotateTransform(45, MatrixOrder.Append);
// Save first graphics state
GraphicsState gs1 = g.Save();
// One more transformation
g.TranslateTransform(0, 110);
// Save graphics state again
GraphicsState gs2 = g.Save();
// undo all transformation effects by
resetting the transformation
// Draw a simple ellipse with no
100, 0, 100, 50);
// Restore first graphics state, which
means that the new item should rotate 45 degrees
100, 0, 100, 50);
// Restore second graphics state
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Green, 100,
50, 100, 50);
// Dispose of Graphics object