This article has been excerpted from book "The Complete Visual C# Programmer's Guide" from the Authors of C# Corner.Let's see another aspect of .NET Remoting. This will put you in mind of the COM+ style of remote object usage. We will develop an example using a shared interface. The interfaces also afford us a good means for using black-box objects. We have used this feature with type library (TLB) files with COM+ objects. To develop against a type library is sufficient to use services on a COM server. The client calls GetObject on an endpoint without knowing what the exact object type is; all it knows is that the object implements an interface. This illustrates how we can build a client that does not reference a server object at compile-time. The sample code for this example consists of four parts: a shared interface, the remote object that implements this interface, a server, and a client that will use this interface method via an unknown object. Listing 23.17 displays the code for the shared interface. Listing 23.17: SOAP Shared Interface3 (Listing23.17.cs) // compile with// csc /t:library /out:share3.dll Listing23.17.csusing System;namespace ExampleRemoting{ public interface IDateTime { string DateTimeMethod(String name); }}Listing 23.18 contains the code for the object that implements the shared interface. Listing 23.18: SOAP Object That Implements Share 3 (Listing23.18.cs)// compile with:// csc /t:library /r:share3.dll /out:object3.dll Listing23.18.csusing System;namespace ExampleRemoting{ public class DateTimeServer : MarshalByRefObject, IDateTime { public DateTimeServer() { Console.WriteLine("DateTime server activated"); } ~DateTimeServer() { Console.WriteLine("DateTime server Object Destroyed"); } public String DateTimeMethod(String name) { String strMessage = "Hi " + name + ". Here is the current DateTime: " + DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(strMessage); return strMessage; } }}The code for the server that delivers the remote methods appears in Listing 23.19. Listing 23.19: SOAP Server3 (Listing23.19.cs) // compile with:// csc /r:share3.dll /r:object3.dll Listing23.19.cs/* sample output:press <enter> to exitDateTime server activatedDateTime server activatedHi Bozo the clown. Here is the current DateTime: 8/19/2002 4:32:12 AMDateTime server Object DestroyedDateTime server Object Destroyed*/using System;using System.Runtime.Remoting;using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;namespace ExampleRemoting{ public class Example { public static void Main() { HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel(8888); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType( Type.GetType("ExampleRemoting.DateTimeServer, Object3"), "SayDateTime", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall); System.Console.WriteLine("press <enter> to exit."); System.Console.ReadLine(); } }}Listing 23.20 shows the code for the client that connects to the server and uses the methods exposed. Listing 23.20: SOAP Client3 (Listing23.20.cs) /* after executing the Listing23.19.exe, use the SOAPSUDS tool to createobject3.dll proxy:soapsuds -url: -oa:object33.dll*/// compile with:// csc /r:object33.dll Listing23.20.cs/* sample output:Hi Bozo the clown. Here is the current DateTime: 8/19/2002 4:32:12 AM*/// client3using System;using System.Runtime.Remoting;using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;namespace ExampleRemoting{ public class Client { public static void Main() { HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel(); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); // create an object of type interface IDateTime obj = (IDateTime) Activator.GetObject(typeof(ExampleRemoting.IDateTime), ""); if (obj == null) Console.WriteLine("could not locate server!"); else Console.WriteLine(obj.DateTimeMethod("Bozo the clown")); } }}namespace ExampleRemoting{ public class Client { public static void Main() { HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel(); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); // create an object of type interface IDateTime obj = (IDateTime) Activator.GetObject(typeof(ExampleRemoting.IDateTime), ""); if (obj == null) Console.WriteLine("could not locate server!"); else Console.WriteLine(obj.DateTimeMethod("Bozo theclown")); } }}ConclusionHope this article would have helped you in understanding Common Interfaces using C#. See other articles on the website on .NET and C#.
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