JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): This is a technology to establish
communication between a java program and a DBMS. It uses SQL (structure query
language) for storing, updating, or removing data from a DBMS. The java program
can be stand alone application, web application or enterprise application. The
DBMS can be of any type, such as Oracle, SQLserver or MS Access
There are four drivers:
Type-1 Driver - The JDBC:ODBC bridge driver
Type 2 Drivers - The Native-API Driver
Type 3 Drivers - The Network-Protocol Driver
Type 4 Drivers - The Native-Protocol Driver
Here we will discuss the type-4 driver.
This driver is also known as the native-protocol driver or the thin driver of
Oracle. In this driver, the client and server API'S are written in java and the
server API uses the protocol of the DBMS for communication. Hence this driver is a fully java driver and DBMS independent. It is also called a pure java driver.
Connection to oracle database using type-4 driver
Driver class name:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Path of driver: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:SID-of-Oracle
Compilation of the program:
>javac fileName
Execution of the program:
Get the copy of (oracle 8i/9i) or ojdbc14.jar (Oracle 10g xe)
into the working directory (where program exist). The
can be available from Oracle's installation folder (E:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib).
The class for Oracle driver is present in that .zip/.jar file.
Use the following command to execute the program:
For Oracle 8i/9i
>java -classpath;. className
For Oracle 10g XE
>java -classpath ojdbc14.jar;. className
To display data in the console from the oracle database using type-4 driver in
Table creation with data
Create table employee (empid varchar(10),empname varchar(10),sal int)
insert into employee values('e001','Raj',10000)
insert into employee values('e002','Harry',20000)
insert into employee values('e003','Sunil',30000)
insert into employee values('e004','Pollock',40000)
insert into employee values('e005','Jonty',50000)
insert into employee values('e006','Kallis',60000)
insert into employee values('e007','Richard',70000) file
/*This makes connection to Oracle by using thin driver */
import java.sql.*;
static void
main(String args[]) throws Exception
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE","system","pintu");
Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from
String empid=rs.getString("empid");
String empname=rs.getString("empname");
int sal=rs.getInt("sal");
"+empname + " "+sal);
Note: - Store the above file ( file) in any drive (E:\jdbc).
Here we have to store ojdbc14.jar file, which we will get it from Oracle's
installation folder (E:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib).
Compile the file
![display data in jdbc]()
Execution of the program
java -classpath ojdbc14.jar;. type4connection
![display data from database in jdbc]()