“A virtual machine (VM) is an operating system OS or application environment that is installed on software which imitates dedicated hardware”.
Virtual machine is just like normal computer but Azure take care of hardware for you. You don’t need to be worry about maintenance, backup.
Virtual machine falls under IAAS cloud computing because you can install application and services you need. For example, Java, SharePoint, SQL Server, etc.
VPN: User can create virtual network of these machine.
Quick Create: We can create machine according to our specification.
![Quick Create]()
Or we can select from gallery.
![select from gallery]()
Azure gallery provides Windows + Linux and all of their version. Select your desired operating system image and hit next. I have selected Windows 10 Enterprise.
On next screen select the name of virtual machine and choose username and password.
![select the name of virtual machine]()
Hit next.
We can choose 768 RAM, shared core to 448 GB RAM and 32 core according to our requirement and credit.
On next screen we have to select REGION to save our Virtual machine. We can choose end points of machine to get connected.
![select region]()
On last screen you will be asked to select security tools you want to install.
![select security tools]()
Select your desired configurations and click check button.
It may took few minutes and will show status running after completion.
![status running]()
If you want to use your virtual machine click CONNECT on bottom of page it will download a connection file.
![virtual machine click connect]()
If you open this file you will be asked to enter credentials.
For username use convention your DNS name /username.
DNS name can be found.
![DNS name]()
![Verifies certificates]()
Verifies certificates and new window will open that will connect you to your virtual machine.
Have a first look of new Windows 10.
![new window 10]()
Now, I am running the OS, one is my local pc and other is online. In the image below it can be seen now machine is behaving like software and is opened in a window
![running to OS]()
On machine screen free space, hostname, and other related result is shown.
![free space]()
We have one drive containing window and other temporary. Let’s add extra space, for that go to Azure portal and click ATTACH.
Select your required size.
![Select you require size]()
And hit check button.
The azure portal will notify you when it complete creation of extra space and its attachment to your machine.
![drive with 20 GB space]()
Now open manage in and you will see unallocated space allocate it a drive later and open my computer.
A drive with 20 GB space has been added in our machine.