Why another MenuStrip? The standard MenuStrip is too limited in functionality and I couldn't find a custom control written that did all that I wanted. This is a User Control with Microsoft Office 2007 Visual Style. It is simple to use, just drop it onto the form and use it like the normal MenuStrip.
MBMenuStrip is a MenuStrip that inherits all the properties of the simple MenuStrip control. I added Microsoft Office 2007 like visuals to MBMenuStrip. The language used is VB.NET. There are so many classes that provide the same functionality, but for that we need to write a minimum of two lines of code to renderer the class in our application. MBMenuStrip is the MenuStrip that already contains a MBRenderer class. You just add a reference for the MBMenuStrip.dll and used it by dragging and dropping.
The concept for this MenuStrip
came from the Microsoft Office 2007 context menu. I organized methods of MBMenuStrip
into layers like this.
The following methods are responsible for rendering a simple MenuStrip
like Microsoft Office.
The following method renders the background of a MBMenuStrip
- Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderMenuItemBackground_
- (ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemRenderEventArgs)
- If e.Item.Selected Then
- Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
- g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
- Dim pa As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath()
- Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(2, 1, e.Item.Size.Width - 2, _
- e.Item.Size.Height - 1)
- DrawArc(rect, pa)
- Dim lgbrush As LinearGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush_
- (rect, Color.White, Color.White, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
- Dim pos As Single() = New Single(3) {0.0F, 0.4F, 0.45F, 1.0F}
- Dim colors As Color() = New Color(3) {GetColor(0, 50, 100), _
- GetColor(0, 0, 30), Color.FromArgb(R0, G0, B0), GetColor(0, 50, 100)}
- Dim mix As ColorBlend = New ColorBlend()
- mix.Colors = colors
- mix.Positions = pos
- lgbrush.InterpolationColors = mix
- g.FillPath(lgbrush, pa)
- g.DrawPath(New Pen(StrokeColor), pa)
- lgbrush.Dispose()
- Else
- MyBase.OnRenderMenuItemBackground(e)
- End If
- End Sub
The following method renders the an image of a
- Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderItemImage_
- (ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemImageRenderEventArgs)
- e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
- If Not (e.Image Is Nothing) Then
- imageheight = e.Item.Height - offsety * 2
- imagewidth = ((Convert.ToDouble(imageheight) / _
- e.Image.Height) * e.Image.Width)
- End If
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(e.Image, New Rectangle_
- (offsetx, offsety, imagewidth, imageheight))
- End Sub
The following method handles the painting of the
- Public Sub DrawArc(ByVal re As Rectangle, ByVal pa As GraphicsPath)
- Dim _radiusX0Y0 As Int32 = _radius, _radiusXFY0 As Int32 = _radius, _
- _radiusX0YF As Int32 = _radius, _radiusXFYF As Int32 = _radius
- pa.AddArc(re.X, re.Y, _radiusX0Y0, _radiusX0Y0, 180, 90)
- pa.AddArc(re.Width - _radiusXFY0, re.Y, _radiusXFY0, _radiusXFY0, 270, 90)
- pa.AddArc(re.Width - _radiusXFYF, _
- re.Height - _radiusXFYF, _radiusXFYF, _radiusXFYF, 0, 90)
- pa.AddArc(re.X, re.Height - _radiusX0YF, _radiusX0YF, _radiusX0YF, 90, 90)
- pa.CloseFigure()
- End Sub
It is very easy to use the MBMenuStrip
in your application. Simply add the reference of the DLL to your application and just drag and drop.