Delete an Item in a List in SharePoint 2013 Using CSOM-JavaScript


This article explains how to delete an item in a list in SharePoint 2013 using CSOM-JavaScript.


  1. Ensure you have access to the Office 365 online.
  2. Ensure Napa tool is available in your site.

Steps to be followed

  1. Create an app for SharePoint using Office 365 Tools. If you have missed out on how to create an app in SharePoint 2013, then, Click here.
  2. Create a list and name it “MyCustomList”. Click here if you want to learn how to create a list.
  3. Click on Default.aspx page.

    aspx page

  4. Add an input text box to capture the id details and a button to delete an item, by id provided in the TextBox..Place the following code inside the “PlaceHolderMain” tag.

     Enter the Item ID: <input typr="text" name="txtID" id="txtID"></input><br/><br/><br/>

    <button id="btnDeleteItem" onclick="deleteItem()">Delete Item</button><br/>


  5. Click on the "App.js" file.

    js file

  6. Globally declare the content, web and list objects as shown below.

        var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); //gets the current context

        var web = context.get_web(); //gets the web object

        var list = web.get_lists(); //gets the collection of lists

        var targetList;

  7. Now write the function to delete an item in a list as in the following:

       function deleteItem() {

            targetList = list.getByTitle("MyCustomList");


            var itemId = document.getElementById("txtID").value;


            var itemToDelete = targetList.getItemById(itemId);



            context.executeQueryAsync(deleteItemSuccess, deleteItemFailed);


  8. In the preceding sample code snippet we are deleting an item in a list based on the item id that is captured through the text box.
  9. “deleteObject” is the method to delete an item from the list using the listitem object.
  10. Now execute the code by calling executeQueryAsync().

       function deleteItemSuccess() {

            var listItemInfo = 'Item deleted: ';



        function deleteItemFailed(sender, args) {

            alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());


  11. That’s it!! Now let's start testing.


  1.  Now to run the app click on the "Play" button that is available towards the left-most corner.

    Play button

  2. The app is packaged, deployed and installed on your Office 365 Site.


  3. Now you will be able to see the following page.


  4. Before entering the id let's open it in a new tab to navigate to the “MyCustomList” list.

  5. Just go to the following URL:

    Syntax: https://yoursite/Lists/ListName
    Example: https://mysite/Lists/MyCustomList

  6. In “MyCustomList” we are able to see 5 items.
  7. Let’s proceed to delete the item with the id 5.
  8. Enter the number 5 in the text bax as shown below and click on the “Delete Item” button.

    Delete Item

  9. To see the item that was deleted, return to the “MyCustomList” URL.


  10. Now uou can see that the item id 5 is not available in the list.
  11. Thus the item was deleted from the list.


Thus in this article you saw how to delete an item in a list in SharePoint 2013 using CSOM-JavaScript.

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