Android is an open source operating system compatible only with the handheld devices like cellular mobiles and tablet computers. Its base is a Linux kernel, the highly optimized version of Linux kernel is used as a base in Android. Android becomes very popular because of its more reliable user interface, like it enables users to Tap, Swipe, Pinch, Reverse Pinch and so on. Now a days Android not only is used in tablets computers and mobile phones but also in cars, watches, televisions and so on.
Setting up Environment
The basic entities needed for the Android Development are as follows.
Install the JDK 7th version or higher then install the ADT Eclipse bundle that contains the SDK, Eclipse IDE, SDK Manager tool and other plugins that are builtin. Now you are ready to make an Android application. Please follow the certain points for successful creation of the application.
Be sure to use the latest SDK and ADT plugins.
Step 1
Click on File > New > Android Project.
Now a tab appears asks for the name of the application and the project as well.
Step 2
Name your application.
Write down the application name, myFirstApp; this name will appear in the Google's Play Store. You can name the application depending on your choice. The minimum required SDK must be the lowest version so that your application must support or be compatible with the lowest version of Android and of course the current version of Android. You can select themes as you choose; here we are using the simple theme.
Step 3
Configure your project as in the following:
Create the project in a specifie location of your computer; it is up to you, such as shown in the preceding figure. The other things remain untouched and press the Next button.
Step 4
Specify the Launching Android Icon as in the following:
Here you can configure an Android icon of an size with text and clipart and press Next.
Step 5
Create the activity as in the following:
Just try to create a blank activity and press the Next button.
Step 6
The following shows the hello world screen.
Here you can see that a hello world screen appears. Two fragments can be seen on the upper part of the screen, that contains the code for hello world and another activity_main.xml that contains the activity. We can add buttons and other things from the palette as shown on the left.
Architecture of Android OS
Android is an open source operating system that is compatible only with the Handheld devices like cellular mobiles and Tablet computers. Its base is a Linux kernel, a highly optimized version of the Linux kernel is used as the base in Android. Android becomes very popular because of its more reliable user interface. For example it enables user to Tap, Swipe, Pinch, Reverse Pinch and so on. Now a days Android is not only used in tablets computers and mobile phones but also in cars, watches, televisions and so on.
We have had an introduction to and the corresponding installation procedure. Now in this article we will also learn the Architecture of the Android operating system that is a very important part of the application development. Before starting the development one should understand the architecture of the Android operating system.
Figure: Architecture of Android OS
There are mainly four layers in this Architecture, every layer has its functionalities that are discussed below. However there is a layer combination of Libraries and Android Runtime that is the most important part and provides Android programs to be executed.
This article is just to convince beginners how to set up an environment for Android development and the basic information about the sections and layers of the Android operating system.