Using a Lambda Expression Over a List in C#

Sometimes if you have a set of records in a List, it becomes quite easy to query on a list using a Lamda Expression. This article exemplifies methods for performing several tasks and queries over a list. A sample code is also attached with this article to explain the use of Lambda Expressions.

Suppose we have a "Person" class that has the following members:

class Person
public string SSN;
public string Name;
public string Address;
public int Age;

    public Person(string ssn, string name, string addr, int age)
        SSN = ssn;
        Name = name;
        Address = addr;
        Age = age;

Now we create a list of the Person objects in which we have to perform several operations like finding a person on certain conditions, removing a person's record etc. These types of operations can be easily performed using a "Lambda Expression". We create the list and populate them in the following way:

List<Person> listPersonsInCity = new List<Person>();


listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456876""John",    "12 Main Street, Newyork, NY",      15));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456877""SAM",     "13 Main Ct, Newyork, NY",          25));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456878""Elan",    "14 Main Street, Newyork, NY",      35));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456879""Smith",   "12 Main Street, Newyork, NY",      45));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456880""SAM",     "345 Main Ave, Dayton, OH",         55));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456881""Sue",     "32 Cranbrook Rd, Newyork, NY",     65));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456882""Winston""1208 Alex St, Newyork, NY",        65));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456883""Mac",     "126 Province Ave, Baltimore, NY",  85));

listPersonsInCity.Add(new Person("203456884""SAM",     "126 Province Ave, Baltimore, NY",  95));

Now we see how we can do various complex operations on the list using a one-line simple Lambda expression.

  1. The following code retrieves the first two persons from the list who are older than 60 years: 
    Console.WriteLine("Retrieving Top 2 aged persons from the list who are older than 60 years\n");
    foreach (Person person in listPersonsInCity.FindAll(e => (e.Age >= 60)).Take(2).ToList())
        Console.WriteLine("Name : " + person.Name + " \t\tAge: " + person.Age);
  2. The following code checks any person's age that is between 13 and 19 years:  
    Console.WriteLine("\nChecking whether any person is teen-ager or not...");
    if (listPersonsInCity.Any(e => (e.Age >= 13 && e.Age <= 19)))
        Console.WriteLine("Yes, we have some teen-agers in the list");
  3. The following code checks whether all the people's ages are greater than Ten years or not: 
    Console.WriteLine("\nCheking whether all the persons are older than 10 years or not...");
    if ( listPersonsInCity.All(e => (e.Age > 10)))
        Console.WriteLine("Yes, all the persons older than 10 years");
  4. The following code gets the average of all the people's ages: 
    Console.WriteLine("\nGetting Average of all the person's age...");
    double avgAge = listPersonsInCity.Average(e => e.Age);
    Console.WriteLine("The average of all the person's age is: "+ avgAge);
  5. The following code checks whether a person having the name 'SAM' exists or not: 
    Console.WriteLine("\nChecking whether a person having name 'SAM' exists or not...");
    if (listPersonsInCity.Exists(e => e.Name == "SAM"))
        Console.WriteLine("Yes, A person having name  'SAM' exists in our list");
  6. The following code checks at what position a person having the name 'Smith' exists in the list: 
    Console.WriteLine("\nChecking the index position of a person having name 'Smith' ...");
    int indexForSmith = listPersonsInCity.FindIndex(e => e.Name == "Smith");
    Console.WriteLine("In the list, The index position of a person having name 'Smith' is : " + indexForSmith);
  7. The following code retrieves the oldest person in the list: Console.WriteLine("\nGetting the name of the most aged person in the list ...");
    Person p = listPersonsInCity.First(m=> m.Age == (listPersonsInCity.Max(e => e.Age)));
    Console.WriteLine("The most aged person in our list is: "+ p.Name +" whose age is: "+ p.Age);
  8. The following code gets the total of all the people's ages: Console.WriteLine("\nGetting Sum of all the person's age...");
    int sumOfAges = listPersonsInCity.Sum(e => e.Age);
    Console.WriteLine("The sum of all the persons's age = "+ sumOfAges);
  9. The following code skips each person whose age is less than 60: Console.WriteLine("\nSkipping every person whose age is less than 60 years...");
    foreach (Person pers in listPersonsInCity.SkipWhile(e => e.Age < 60))
              Console.WriteLine("Name : "+ pers.Name + " \t\tAge: "+ pers.Age);
  10. The following code retrieves all the people until we find a person with a name beginning with any letter other than "S" : 
    Console.WriteLine("Displaying the persons until we find a person with name starts with other than 'S'");
    foreach (Person pers in listPersonsInCity.TakeWhile(e => e.Name.StartsWith("J")))
        Console.WriteLine("Name : " + pers.Name + " \t\tAge: " + pers.Age);
  11. The following code checks whether all the people have their SSN or not:
    Console.WriteLine("\nChecking all the persons have SSN or not ..."); if(listPersonsInCity.TrueForAll(e => e.SSN != null)) { Console.WriteLine("No person is found without SSN"); }
  12. The following code removes all the people having the name "SAM":
    Console.WriteLine("\nRemoving all the persons record from list that have "SAM" name"); listPersonsInCity.RemoveAll(e => (e.Name == "SAM")); if (listPersonsInCity.TrueForAll(e => e.Name != "SAM")) { Console.WriteLine("No person is found with 'SAM' name in current list"); }
  13. The following code searches for the person having "203456876" as their SSN:
    Console.WriteLine("\nFinding the person whose SSN = 203456876 in the list");
    Person oPerson = listPersonsInCity.Find(e => (e.SSN == "203456876"));
    Console.WriteLine("The person having SSN '203456876' is : " + oPerson.Name + " \t\tAge: " + oPerson.Age);

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