Figure 1: SpiltView Navigation Framework
The very idea of SpiltView originates from the Navigation Framework inside a XAML application. The navigation framework was introduced with Silverlight. The major components of the Navigation Framework were:
- Frame
- Page
The Frame here is much like the browser that was used to contain a page that can be navigated back and forth. Here, the frontward stack and the backward stack.
They supported a series of methods, namely:
- GoBack()
- GoForward()
- CanGoBack()
- CanGoForward()
But often it's only about the navigation that the developers are concerned about. This is why you have SplitView. SplitView helps us to navigate by “type” and not the URI that we used to do in Silverlight. Also, we don't need to care about the physical location of the file as well.
The Page
The page has the following two methods:
- OnNavigatedTo(Param)
- OnNavigatedFrom()
These two overridden methods help to navigate and hence help us to interact with the page.
Although there are a few more things worth noticing in Page.NavigationCacheMode that are primarily concerned with whether the page is supposed to be created again or the same instance of the page will be rendered.
Jumping with SpitView
SplitView is there for navigation. That means this gives a smoother way to navigate with menus and making the UI smoother and more fluid.
Where to use a SpiltView
Figure 2: SpiltView Usage
Universally this is also know as the “Hamburger Menu” because it has two pieces of bread forming a nice Big Boy burger. But yes, that’s the split view. It’s a menu that takes care of a tons of problems a developer has while transiting from one page to another or simply just navigating from one part of the app to another.
Behaviors of a SplitView
Figure 3: Behaviors of a SplitView
A SplitView when it is tapped pops out a menu and shows various options. Although it's not a requirement to have the Split View respond to a tap request.
Where to get the SplitView from
Figure 4: Font Selection
The new Segoe Font will have the SplitView. All these are vectors and are oriented to the Windows 10 Style.
Application of the SplitView
A SplitView namely has the following 2 things:
- SplitView.Pane
- SplitView.Content
Let's talk in details about SplitView.Pane.
Figure 5: SplitView Pane
A Pane is where the developer puts in all the buttons that are either on the left or the right of the application. The Pane will also takes the kinds of buttons that will be available for tapping in the application.
The SplitView.Content
Figure 6: SplitView Content
The most important property is the Content property. The Content Property sits over the frame and gives a navigation affordance. The Content also gives us a lot of grip with the overlay on the UI.
The SplitView.PaneDisplayMode
Depending on whether the SplitView is open or closed we have the PaneDisplayMode as its property.
Figure 7: PaneDisplayMode Properties
The Inline, when set to true, will provide a jolting experience to the user since the content will shift the SplitView opened up. In case of the overlay although the content will not shift, it will simply have the splitview menu coming out as a flyer over the content. The CompactInline will have the capabilities of shifting the content to a large extent if the SplitView is set to true or just have a sleek thin outline when set to false. The Compact overlay will have the same properties like the overlay only difference is in both of the cases of a Compact Overlay there will be a slight shift of content.