Debugging JavaScript Code Using VS and IE

We can easily debug C# code using breakpoints but when we want to debug JavaScript code then we need to make some extra effort. I explain in this article step-by-step how to debug JavaScript code defined in a .aspx page using Visual Studio and Internet Explorer so let's see that now.

Step 1 : Create a WebForm

We create a webform that has a JavaScript function called on a button click. Here we have SquareNumber(), a JavaScript function that squares a value that is then inserted in TextBox by the user on a button click and shows the resulting value in an alert box.

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <script type ="text/javascript">
        function SquareNumber()
            var number = document.getElementById("<%=txtNumber.ClientID %>").value;
            alert(number +" square is :"+ number*number);
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    Enter a Number : <asp:TextBox ID="txtNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    <asp:Button ID="btnSquare" runat="server" Text="Square" OnClientClick="SquareNumber()" />

Step 2 : Setting in IE to enable debug

  • Go to "Tools" - "Internet Option"


  • Go to the "Advanced" tab - "Browsing" then uncheck "Disable Script Debugging" then click "OK".


Step 3 : Insert breakpoint

We insert the breakpoint where the pointer will hit directly.


Step 4 : Run the applications (press the F5 Key)

When we run the application then the following web page is shown and then insert a value into the TextBox.


Click on the "Square" button:


Get the output:


Step 5 : Insert debugger

When we insert the JavaScript debugger then the code will be started from the debugger and will proceed line by line; in this case we don't need to insert a breakpoint. We only need to write debugger in a JavaScript function where we start the debug code.


Press the F10 key to move to the next line.

NOTE : Remove the JavaScript debugger before publishing or releasing a website or web application. 

In the next article I explained that how can debug JavaScript using Google Chrome, that article is:

Debugging JavaScript Using Google Chrome

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