Community Site Portal Template in Sharepoint 2013

This article explores the Community Site Portal template of SharePoint 2013.

Community Site Portal

Community Site Portal is a template that lists all community sites underneath it.

Procedure to create a Community Site Portal

Please use the following procedure:

  1. Create a site collection using Central Administration
  2. Choose the Community Site Portal template
  3. Create new communities under the site collection


The following is the visual procedure.

Step 1: Open Central Administration

Open Central Administration as in the following:

Step 2: Create Site Collection

Choose the Create site collections link and select the template as shown below.

Fill in the remaining properties and click the OK button. You will get the site collection created.

We can access the community settings from the Site Actions > Site Settings > Community Administration link.

Step 3: Activate Community feature

From the newly created site collection, choose Site Actions > Site Settings > Manage site features.

Activate the Community Site Feature as shown above.

Prior to this you might need to activate the following site collection features.

Step 4: Create sub sites

Now we are ready to create sub sites underneath it choosing the Collaboration > Community Site template.

Create a few sub-sites like this under the site collection.

The Community Portal template is only available for site collections. So we need to use Central Administration or PowerShell to access the template.



This article explored the Community Site Portal template.

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