In this article we are going to descibe how to use a radio button in your application; you will learn how to create a Radio Button in the frame. The Java AWT top-level window is represented by the CheckBoxGroup. A Java program provides you the CheckboxGroup. In this program, you will see how to create and show the Checkboxgroup component in the frame.
In this program a radio button is created that is an item that can be selected or deselected and displays that state to the user. Here we are creating a group of buttons in which you can select only one option at a time. Here, explanation for the procedure of inserting checkbox group on the Java AWT frame.
For creating radio buttons you need some important steps.
Step 1: Import the necessary package.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
Step 2 : Create a frame and label and CheckBoxGroup.
Frame fm=new Frame("RedioButton Group");
Label la=new Label("What is your choice:");
CheckboxGroup cg1=new CheckboxGroup();
Step 3 : Add the component to the frame.
fm.add(new Checkbox("MCA", cg1, true));
fm.add(new Checkbox("B-tech", cg1, false));
fm.add(new Checkbox("MBA", cg1, false));
fm.add(new Checkbox("CA", cg1, false));
Step 4: Create the listener class.
fm.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
Step 5: We create everything in the main method; now we close the main method and there is no need to create an object of my class.
Complete code
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyRadioButton
public static void main(String[] args)
Frame fm=new Frame("RedioButton DEMO");
Label la=new Label("Slect your Degree:");
fm.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1));
CheckboxGroup cg1=new CheckboxGroup();
fm.add(new Checkbox("MATH", cg1, true));
fm.add(new Checkbox("PHYSICS", cg1, false));
fm.add(new Checkbox("CHEMISTRY", cg1, false));
fm.add(new Checkbox("ENGLISH", cg1, false));
fm.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
Using Radio Button in GridView
Select Single Radio Button in Gridview in Asp.Net
Working With JMenu in Swing
Radio Button Column in Datagrid in Silverlight 3
Cross browser conditional validation