CLR Object and JSON Serialization and Deserialization


This article demonstrates how to serialize and deserialize CLR objects for web-based applications. This article starts with an introduction to the System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer class. After that, a small code snippet is given for it and where exactly this approach fits into the web-based application


Namespace: System.Web.Script.Serialization

Assembly: System.Web.Extensions (in System.Web.Extensions.dll)

Provides serialization and deserialization functionality for AJAX-enabled applications.

Creating CLR object

A plain CLS object, which has a few classes, attributes and necessary methods as shown below:

    class Person


        public string firstName, lastName, Designation;

        public ushort age;

        public string[] technologies;

        public Address personAddress;



        public override string ToString()




            return string.Format(

                @"Name: {0} {1}

                Designation: {2}

                Age: {3}

                Skills: {4}

                Address: {5} {6}, {7}",









class Address


        public string addressLine, city, country;


Initiating and printing the CLR object to the console:

  Person I = new Person();

  I.firstName = "Adil";

  I.lastName = "Ansari";

  I.Designation = "Consultant";


  Address personAddres = new Address() { addressLine = "Vikhroli LBS West"

                                           city = "Mumbai", country = "IN" };

  I.personAddress = personAddres;

  I.technologies= new string[]{".Net","SQL","SharePoint"};



  // Entity to string

  Console.WriteLine("Entity:" + Environment.NewLine + I);


Output to the console



Serialization and Deserialization

Now to serialize and deserialize the CLR and JSON, a class JavaScriptSerializer needs to be initiated and its instance method will be used to do so, as listed below:

  • public string Serialize(Object obj)

    Converts an object to a JSON string.

  • public T Deserialize<T>(string input)

    Converts the specified JSON string to an object of type T.

      JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

      string serializedPerson = jsSerializer.Serialize(I);


       // Serialized entity string 

       Console.WriteLine("Entity to JSON:" + Environment.NewLine + serializedPerson);


       // Deserialized entity back to CLR object

       Person Same = jsSerializer.Deserialize<Person>(serializedPerson);


       Console.WriteLine("Back to Entity:" + Environment.NewLine + Same);



In this article, I discussed how to serialize and deserialize a CLR object to and from JSON using C# with an example. Instead of using any third party DLLs for this purpose, we can have the native .Net capabilities available to us.

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