Yii is a PHP framework for developing large-scale web applications rapidly.
Note: the Yii Framework does require PHP 5.1 or above. Yii is a free, open-source framework for PHP5.
• High-performance framework.
• Model-View-Controller architecture.
• Integration with other frameworks. It's easy to use Zend or PEAR features in Yii.
Install XAMPP
If you do not have xammp then download XAMPP from the following site. the xammp icons. To open the xammp Control Panel and to start a button for Apache and MySQL see the following screen.
Install Yii framework
Step 1: Download the Yii framework from
Step 2: If you download it then extract the compressed files into the XAMPP htdocs folder. The path is given below:
Step 3: Run the framework and check the Yii requirements using the checker.
Step 4: The next step is to set up the environment variables.
From the Start menu right-click on Computer then seelct Properties > Advanced system settings. The System Properties window will be displayed.
Step 5: Click the Environment Variables button and the Environment Variables window will be shown.
Step 6: Open a cmd Command Prompt and run the following command.
Final step: To successfully install Yii in XAMPP, install it.