Single or Multi Click Functionality in SilverLight 5 Via WCF Service

In this article let's concentrate on another interesting SilverLight application, whereby communicating with a WCF Service to perform some operation.
Question : What is Single or N-ClickCount Functionality?
In simple terms "SilverLight 5 provides one of the top feature, which enables user to perform some operation based on number of mouse click count calculations. It may range from 1 to n clicks".
Let's get this implemented practically for a better idea of this!!!

Step 1: The complete code of the IService1.cs looks like this.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Text;
namespace Wcf_SL_Click
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the interface name "IService1" in both code and config file together.
    public interface
        double add(double a, double b); 
        double sub(double a, double b);
        double mul(double a, double b);
        double div(double a, double b);

Step 2: The complete code of the Service1.svc.cs looks like this.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Text;
namespace Wcf_SL_Click
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the class name "Service1" in code, svc and config file together.
    public class Service1 : IService1
        public double add(double a, double b)
            return a + b;
        public double sub(double a, double b)
            return a - b;
        public double mul(double a, double b)
            return a * b;
        public double div(double a, double b)
            return a / b;

Step 3
: The complete code of the Web.Config looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
                    <!-- To avoid disclosing metadata information, set the value below to false and remove the metadata endpoint above before deployment -->
                    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
                    <!-- To receive exception details in faults for debugging purposes, set the value below to true.  Set to false before deployment to avoid disclosing exception information -->
                    <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>
        <serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
        <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>

Step 4: The complete code of the Clientaccesspolicy.xml looks like this (to avoid cross domain problem in SilverLight).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <allow-from http-request-headers="SOAPAction">
                <domain uri="*"/>
             <resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/>

Step 5:
The complete code of the MainPage.xaml looks like this.

<UserControl x:Class="Rad_SL_Count.MainPage"
              mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="480" d:DesignHeight="800">

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <TextBlock Height="23"
                   Text="Please Enter First Number: "
="Top" />
        <TextBlock FontFamily="Verdana"
                  FontSize="22" Height="23"
                   Text="Please Enter Second Number: "
="Top" />

<TextBox Height="43"
="150" />
        <TextBox Height="43"
="150" />
        <Border BorderBrush="Silver"

<TextBlock Text="Click To Arthmetic"
="22" />

Step 6: The complete code of the MainPage.xaml.cs looks like this.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using Rad_SL_Count.ServiceReference1;
namespace Rad_SL_Count
    public partial class MainPage :
        public MainPage()
        private void add_Call(object sender, addCompletedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Addition Result is: " + e.Result.ToString(), "Click Count -SL5 via WCF Service", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
        private void sub_Call(object sender, subCompletedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Subtraction Result is: " + e.Result.ToString(), "Click Count -SL5 via WCF Service", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
        private void mul_Call(object sender, mulCompletedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Multiplication Result is: " + e.Result.ToString(), "Click Count -SL5 via WCF Service", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
        private void div_Call(object sender, divCompletedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Division Result is: " + e.Result.ToString(), "Click Count -SL5 via WCF Service", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
        private void button1_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox2.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Some Values", "Click Count - SL 5 via WCF", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
               if (e.ClickCount == 1)
                    objClient.addCompleted += new EventHandler<addCompletedEventArgs>(add_Call);
                    objClient.addAsync(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                else if (e.ClickCount == 2)
                    objClient.subCompleted += new EventHandler<subCompletedEventArgs>(sub_Call);
                    objClient.subAsync(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                else if (e.ClickCount == 3)
                    objClient.mulCompleted += new EventHandler<mulCompletedEventArgs>(mul_Call);
                    objClient.mulAsync(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                else if (e.ClickCount == 4)
                    objClient.divCompleted += new EventHandler<divCompletedEventArgs>(div_Call);
                    objClient.divAsync(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                else if (e.ClickCount > 4)
                    MessageBox.Show("Click Count Exceed--Nothing Performed", "Click Count - SL5 via WCF", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
                textBox1.Text = "";
                textBox2.Text = "";

Instance Variables
        Service1Client objClient = new Service1Client();

Step 7:
The output of the application looks like this.


Step 8: The output of the Nothing Entered Application looks like this.


Step 9: The output of the Addition Operation Application looks like this.


Step 10: The output of the Subtraction Operation Application looks like this.



I hope this article is useful for you ...I look forward to your comments and feedback....Thanks.

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