Set up a New Home Page in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365

Welcome to an article on setting up a new home page. Users sometimes create new pages and they want them to be added as the current home page.

Don't worry, you need not replicate all the web parts again on the new homepage, just follow the procedure and you will get it done in less than a minute.

For developers who want to do it the first time, let's see here.

  • Go to settings.
  • Click on Add a Page.

    add a page

  • Provide a name for your page.

    Give a name to your page

  • Hence a page is created named Test Homepage.

    Test Homepage

  • Here is our new home page.

    new home page

  • Now we need to make this page as our home page.
  • Click on the tab “Page”.
  • You will find an option “Make Homepage”.
  • Click on it.

    Make Homepage

Here is your default home page of the site. Try to open the site again and you will land up on your test home page.

my new home page

It was as easy as it can be, less than a minute job. So developers, let us save our time and effort and start another module. Until then, keep learning.


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