Client Side Chart Widget in HTML5: Part 5 (Polar Area Chart)


I hope you have read my first two articles in this series that explains the loading of a Bar Chart, Pie Chart and Doughnut Chart. Please see the following links.

Now we will explain a client-side Doughnut Chart widget in HTML5.


Please download the necessary files here

Using the code

A simple HTML

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html xmlns="">  
  3.    <head>  
  4.        <title> Polar Area Chart Using Chart.js</title>  
  5.    </head>  
  6.    <body></body>  
  7. </html> 

Included JavaScript file

  1. <script src="Chart.js"></script> 

Call the Chart Function

  1. window.onload = function () {  
  2.             var canvasObject = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");  
  3.             window.myPolarArea = new Chart(canvasObject).PolarArea(polarChartData, {  
  4.                 responsive: true  
  5.             });  
  6.         }  

Here we are loading the chart in the myChart.

As you can see in the preceding code, polarChartData is the data we will load into the chart.

  1. var polarChartData = [  
  2.     {  
  3.         value: 200,  
  4.         color: "#F7464A",  
  5.         highlight: "#FF5A5E",  
  6.         label: "Monday"  
  7.     },  
  8.     {  
  9.         value: 50,  
  10.         color: "#46BFBD",  
  11.         highlight: "#5AD3D1",  
  12.         label: "Tuesday"  
  13.     },  
  14.     {  
  15.         value: 150,  
  16.         color: "#FDB45C",  
  17.         highlight: "#FFC870",  
  18.         label: "Wednesday"  
  19.     },  
  20.     {  
  21.         value: 20,  
  22.         color: "#949FB1",  
  23.         highlight: "#A8B3C5",  
  24.         label: "Saturday"  
  25.     },  
  26.     {  
  27.         value: 400,  
  28.         color: "#4D5360",  
  29.         highlight: "#616774",  
  30.         label: "Sunday"  
  31.     }  
  33.                  ];  


  • value
  • color
  • highlight
  • label

Here you can change the properties as you want.

Complete HTML

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html xmlns="">  
  3. <head>  
  4.     <title>Doughnut Chart Using Chart.js</title>  
  5.     <script src="Chart.js"></script>  
  6.     <script>  
  7.         var polarChartData = [  
  8.                 {  
  9.                     value: 200,  
  10.                     color: "#F7464A",  
  11.                     highlight: "#FF5A5E",  
  12.                     label: "Monday"  
  13.                 },  
  14.                 {  
  15.                     value: 50,  
  16.                     color: "#46BFBD",  
  17.                     highlight: "#5AD3D1",  
  18.                     label: "Tuesday"  
  19.                 },  
  20.                 {  
  21.                     value: 150,  
  22.                     color: "#FDB45C",  
  23.                     highlight: "#FFC870",  
  24.                     label: "Wednesday"  
  25.                 },  
  26.                 {  
  27.                     value: 20,  
  28.                     color: "#949FB1",  
  29.                     highlight: "#A8B3C5",  
  30.                     label: "Saturday"  
  31.                 },  
  32.                 {  
  33.                     value: 400,  
  34.                     color: "#4D5360",  
  35.                     highlight: "#616774",  
  36.                     label: "Sunday"  
  37.                 }  
  39.         ];  
  41.         window.onload = function () {  
  42.             var canvasObject = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");  
  43.             window.myPolarArea = new Chart(canvasObject).PolarArea(polarChartData, {  
  44.                 responsive: true  
  45.             });  
  46.         }  
  48.     </script>  
  49. </head>  
  50. <body>  
  51.     <div>  
  52.         Polar Area Chart @ <a href="">Sibeesh Passion</a>  
  53.         <canvas id="myChart"></canvas>  
  54.     </div>  
  55. </body>  
  56. </html> 


I hope you can now create your own chart.



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