HTML5 tbody, thead and tfoot tags

In this article, you will see the use of the thead, tfoot and tbody tags of HTML5.

HTML <thead> Tag

The table heading code within the thead element will appear on each page above the table body. The HTML <thead> tag is used for adding a header to a table. The <thead> tag is used in conjunction with the <tbody> tag and the <tfoot> tag in determining each part of the table (header, footer, body).  HTML5 did not allow <td> tag inside of <thead> tag.


<thead> ... </thead>

HTML <tfoot> Tag

The <tfoot> tag is used to create a table footer in HTML. The <tfoot> tag is used in conjunction with the <thead> tag and the <tbody> tag in determining each part of the table (header, footer, body). <tfoot> must appear before <tbody> within a table, so that a browser can render the foot before receiving all the rows of data.


The syntax of the <tfoot> tag is as:


HTML<tbody> Tag

The HTML <tbody> tag is used for grouping table rows. The <tbody> tag is used in conjunction with the <thead> tag and the <tfoot> tag in determining each part of the table (header, footer, body). Browsers can use this information to enable scrolling of the table body independently of the header and footer - particularly useful for large tables. The <tbody> tag can contain zero or more <tr> elements.


The syntax of the <tfoot> tag is as:


Now we create a table and use the tbody, thead and tfoot tags.

Creating table with tbody, thead and tfoot tag

For Example






    <form id="form1" runat="server">


    <table border = "1">


     <tr> <td colspan="2" style="color:green">Table Header </td></tr>



     <tr> <td colspan="2" style="color:red">Table Footer </td></tr>




<td style ="color :Orange">Body of the Table</td>

<td>Cell 1 - part of tbody</td>

<td>Cell 2 - part of tbody</td>

<td>Cell 3 - part of tbody</td>

<td>Cell 4 - part of tbody</td>

<td>Cell 5 - part of tbody</td>

<td>Cell 6 - part of tbody</td>








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