Fluent Assertions

I will explain one of the patterns that I usually use when writing unit tests. Apart from the MOQ library, I use Fluent Assertions(http://www.fluentassertions.com). You can search for that in the Nuget Package Manager and install it in the test project. Out-of-the box, Fluent Assertions provides tons of extension methods that help to easily write assertions on the actual as shown below. In the following example, I will run the test against one sample string of my name.

running the test
Now, when I will complete this test, it will be as in the following:


  1. [TestMethod]    
  2. public void CheckStringValue()    
  3. {    
  4.     string actual = "Rahul Sahay";    
  5.     actual.Should().StartWith("Ra").And.EndWith("ay");    
  6. }  
When I run it, it will produce the following result.

Similarly, to verify that a collection contains a specified number of elements and that all elements match a predicate, you can test as shown in the following code snippet.
  1. [TestMethod]    
  2. public void CheckCollection()    
  3. {    
  4.     IEnumerable collection = new[] { 1, 2, 3,4,5 };    
  5.     collection.Should().HaveCount(6, "because I thought I put 5 items in the collection");    
  6. }    
Now, when I run the preceding test, it will fail and this will fail due to a valid reason, but look at the error message returned.

error message

Let me show it against one of the infrastructure code where I use it.
  1. [TestMethod]    
  2. public void MovieNameTest()    
  3. {    
  4.     IEnumerable<Movie> movie;    
  5.     var mockMovieRepository = MovieRepository(out movie);    
  7.     mockMovieRepository.Setup(obj => obj.GetMovies()).Returns(movie);    
  9.     IMovieService movieService = new MovieManager(mockMovieRepository.Object);    
  11.     IEnumerable<MovieData> data = movieService.GetDirectorNames();    
  13.     data.Should().HaveCount(4, "because we put these many values only");    
  16. }   
Now it has one dependency on MovieRepository (out movie).
  1. private static Mock<IMovieRepository> MovieRepository(out IEnumerable<Movie> movie)    
  2. {    
  3.     Mock<IMovieRepository> mockMovieRepository = new Mock<IMovieRepository>();    
  5.     //Mock return as GetMovies returns that, so we are not going to hit db    
  6.     //we are going to return mocked up entity    
  7.     movie = new Movie[]    
  8.     {    
  9.         new Movie()    
  10.         {    
  11.             MovieName = "Avatar",    
  12.             DirectorName = "James Cameron",    
  13.             ReleaseYear = "2009"    
  14.         },    
  15.         new Movie()    
  16.         {    
  17.             MovieName = "Titanic",    
  18.             DirectorName = "James Cameron",    
  19.             ReleaseYear = "1997"    
  20.         }    
  21.     };    
  22.     return mockMovieRepository;    
  23. }   
When we run the preceding test, it will again throw a similar error because count is 2 and we're checking for 4.


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