Get a Fully Functional Recycle Bin in the Taskbar on Windows 8


In this article we are going to explain how to get a fully functional Recycle Bin in the Taskbar in Windows 8. When we open many windows in our PC, getting to the Recycle Bin can sometimes be a pain. Use this quick tip to create a fully functional Recycle Bin in our Taskbar. 

How to create a fully functional Recycle Bin in the Taskbar.

Step 1

First of all we have to move to the Desktop window of Windows 8.


Step 2

Then right-click on the Taskbar and we select toolbar\New Toolbar from the context menu. 


Step 3

then we select a folder and click on the navigation bar and paste the following into it:

%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch


Step 4

We can click the select folder button.


Step 5

We will notice that the toolbar is all the way over on the right, so click on the dotted lines and then drag the toolbar to the left.

 quick launch-in-windows8-desktop.jpg

Step 6

Our Taskbar should now look like this:


Step 7

We want to get rid of the text so right-click on the dotted lines and uncheck "Show Text" as well as "Show Title" from the menu.


Step 8

Now we need to make the icons larger. To do that, again right-click on the dotted lines, this time change the view from Small icons to Large icons.


Step 9

Now we need to drag the Recycle Bin from the Desktop onto the toolbar.


Step 10

Finally we can delete the other shortcuts in the toolbar, then lock your Taskbar again.


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