ASP.NET Core 1.0 New Features

In ASP.NET 5, Microsoft has decided to create ASP.NET technology in such a way that will be accessible to a wide range of systems and users. ASP.NET 5 is coming with lots of new features which will help you in creating web applications. The following are some new features I am going to demonstrate to you.

New Features of ASP.NET 5

Cross Platform Runtime

Before ASP.NET 5, your web application which was created under the .NET framework could deploy and run only on Windows. But ASP.NET 5 provides cross platforms  for applications, so your application will run on Windows as well as MAC and LINUX platforms. Cross Platform CLSR provides the runtime environment for developing the .NET application which can run on Mac and Linux operating systems as well.

Cross Platform Runtime

Open Source

As you know Microsoft announced making ASP.NET open source. So we can use the deployment code for ASP.NET which will be found on GitHub. There is no worry about the license to use the feature of ASP.NET. All are free. GitHub is free repository system where you can also upload code and make changes which will be shown to all.

Web Application in One Group

In ASP.NET 5, Microsoft is going to merge the MVC, Web API and Web Pages in a single framework. ASP.NET 5 will include the features of all in a single group but it will keep the implementation separately.

Web Application in One Group

Host with any platform

ASP.NET 5 provides the flexibility to host your application on IIS or Self Hosting, as well now you can also host your application on any system because in ASP.NET, Core CLR can deploy the all dependencies with your application’s deployment package. So, there is no longer a requirement for other dependencies to run the ASP.NET 5 application. So, using ASP.NET 5, now you can host your application on any hosting platform which will be running on any type of device. You don’t need to worry about hosting.

Dynamic Compilation

ASP.NET 5 comes with attractive feature which can change the life of developers as well as increase their productivity. As we did earlier, make the changes in the code and save and go to browser and refresh the page for loading the latest contents. But with ASP.NET 5, you don’t need to refresh the page, using dynamic compilation features the CLR will compile your code in backend and refresh the content as well. So, this makes your work faster and efficient.

Deployment on Cloud

ASP.NET 5 is going to optimize the cloud features. Now you can publish your application on the cloud. There is no need to make so many changes to publish or deploy your apps on the cloud. You can also detect the issue with your apps using the tracing and diagnostic tools.

HTTP Pipeline

Previously we use the HTTP Pipeline where all the components were added by default. But ASP.NET 5 provides the flexibility to choose your required components and add them with HTTP Pipeline. You can also remove those components from the HTTP Pipeline which are not useful for your application. This makes your application faster.

HTTP Pipeline

Dependency Injection

In ASP.NET 5, Dependency Injection is used at framework level. Actually ASP.NET 5 is designed in such way which support leverage dependency Injection. To use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET, you need to use the built in dependency injection container. It is build into ASP.NET 5 framework helps in giving the right services for your environment. You can use the IOC [Inversion of Control] to register dependencies.

Thanks for reading this article, I hope you enjoyed it.

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