Advanced Disk Defragmentation in Windows 8/7

The Disk Defragmentation feature is available in all versions of Windows, but Windows 7 has many new features in comparison to Windows Vista and XP. The Advanced Disk Defragmentation feature is one of them and just as for Windows 7, Windows 8 also has the same easy to use common Disk Defragmentation tools through the command line. In this article, I will describe how to perform advance Disk Defragmentation in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

For doing that follow these steps.

Step 1: Start your Windows 8 installed system.


Step 2: Open the run dialog box by using Win + R and type Cmd then press Enter or click on the OK button.


Step 3: Type "defrag command" (without quotes) in the command-line tool.


Now I am going to describe some common options used with the defrag command to perform defragmentation.

defrag –a     Performs the disk defrag analysis

defrag  /r    Defrags multiple drives simultaneously

defrag –v     Prints the defrag results

defrag –w    Defrags each and every thing

defrag C: -v –w    Defrags the whole C drive

Step 4: Here I have run the command "defrag -a C:" as an example:

 defrag-a command-in-windows8.jpg