Essential concepts to understand F#
The F# interactive language can either be used from Visual Studio or by running the fsi.exe from the F# installation directory. In F# we also use F# lightweight syntax which makes the code Whitespace Sensitive. If you want the lightweight syntax to be enabled, you have to enter the following command in FSI:
In F# the double semicolon is used to terminate the FSI input and sends the text to the compiler.
Program Structure of F#
The F# program structure can be created using a standard text editor or IDE like Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2008. F# has an advantage of intellisense and highlighting syntax. F# contains a well defined set of rules, syntax and keywords. When you first create a F# program you should know how the F# program structure is organized. While creating a F# program you have to remember some points:
These are the three ways of creating a F# Program Structure.
- OOP structure-
namespace FSharp.tutorial //namespace
open System //open declaration
Type Person() = // declare types/members/ variables
let mutable num = 0
let mutable fname = String.Empty
member a.Num
with get ()= num
and set(b) = num <- b
member a.Fname
with get() = fname
and set (b) = fname<- b
FP Structure-
module PersonModule // module
Type PersonRecord = { //open declaration
Num : int
Fname : string //declare records/ let variable/ FP code
let getPerson() =
{ Num = 0; Fname= Shalini; }
let per = getPerson()
When we combine the two OOP and FP structures together the new structure will be:
namespace FSharp.tutorial //namespace
open System // open declarations
/// Person Record
Type PersonRecord = { //record declaration
Num : int
Fname : string
Type PersonDetails() = // class declaration
let getPerson() = // let binding to get person record
{ Num = 0; Fname= Shalini; }
let per = getPerson() // let binding variable per
///member declaration for person
member a.person //member variable person returning the per variable
with get() = per
You will follow some rules. When you combine the F# and OOP structure:
F# let binding should be declare in top of Type structure
If you declared any member in the bottom it can be referred to even from the top of the program, because OOP code doesn't follow a Top-Down programming structure.
WhiteSpace Matters
WhiteSpaces are a combination of spaces and newline characters, when you write first F# program and use #light directive, whitespaces become significant for the structure and execution of the program. C# uses braces for grouping of statements where as F# uses Whitespace indentation for the same. Regarding Whitespace you should notice two basic points:
The number of Whitespaces doesn"t matter; you can use more than one space.
If you are using 4 spaces, then that is equivalent to a tab key and the Visual Studio IDE automatically convert tabs into spaces.
F# provides three types of comments named single line comments, multiline comments and document comments.
//This is a single line comment
(* This is Showing multiline comments*)
(* This is the way to show multiline comments in F#*)
///This is showing document comment
Keywords are those predefined words which have special meaning to the Compiler. F# has a set of reserved Keywords, which are as follows:
Let's take an example of F# to calculate the factorial of a given number.
Step 1: Open Visual Studio and select F# Application Project.
Step 2: Write the following code in the F# editor.
// Learn more about F# at
open System
let rec facto x =
if x < 1 then 1
else x * facto (x - 1)
(* // can also be written using pattern matching syntax:
let rec fact = function
| n when n < 1 -> 1
| n -> n * fact (n - 1) *)
Console.WriteLine(facto 5)
Step 3: Press CTRL+F5 to run the program.
In this article I covered the basic concepts and tools essential for F#.