SVG Gradients in HTML5


In this article we will discuss the SVG Gradients in HTML5. Gradients are a way of filling shapes with color, in an uneven fashion and they consist of continuously smooth color transitions along a vector from one color to another and we can apply several color transitions to the element.

There are basically two types of SVG Gradients in HTML5:

  • Linear Gradients.
  • Radial Gradients.

We will talk about both of these gradients in the following sections.

SVG Linear Gradient :

The <linearGradient> element is used to define a linear gradient. Linear gradients change evenly from one color to another, in a linear fashion. The <linearGradient> element must be nested within a <defs> tag. The color can change either vertically, horizontally, or along a vector you define.

Example - 1

Fill a rectangle with a Horizontally Linear Gradient:





<svg width="8cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 800 400" version="1.1"



      <linearGradient id="LinerGradient">

        <stop offset="10%" stop-color="#F60" stop-opacity="0.9" />

        <stop offset="35%" stop-color="#FF6" />

        <stop offset="70%" stop-color="#cc0000" stop-opacity="1"/>

        <stop offset="90%" stop-color="#000099" stop-opacity="0.7"/>



    <rect stroke="black" stroke-width="5" x="10" y="10" width="800" height="500" fill="url(#LinearGradient)" />





image 1.jpg

Example - 2

Filling an ellipse with a Vertically Linear Gradient:





<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">


    <linearGradient id="grad2" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">

      <stop offset="10%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,0,0);stop-opacity:1" />

      <stop offset="40%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,0);stop-opacity:1" />

      <stop offset="60%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,150,50);stop-opacity:1" />

      <stop offset="90%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,255,255);stop-opacity:1" />



  <ellipse cx="200" cy="70" rx="100" ry="65" fill="url(#grad2)" />





image 2.jpg

SVG Radial Gradient :

Radial gradients are gradients in which the colors change circularly rather than linearly. The <radialGradient> element is used to define a radial gradient. The <radialGradient>  element must be nested within a <defs> tag.

Example - 1

Rectangle With Radial Gradient:





<svg width="10cm" height="10cm" viewBox="0 0 800 400" version="1.1"



      <radialGradient id="MG" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" cx="400" cy="200" r="250" fx="400" fy="500">

        <stop offset="15%" stop-color="orange" />

        <stop offset="40%" stop-color="blue" />

        <stop offset="70%" stop-color="pink" />

        <stop offset="90%" stop-color="green" />



    <rect fill="url(#MG)" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" x="100" y="100" width="600" height="400"/>





image 3.jpg

Example - 2

Ellipse with a radial gradient:





<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">


    <radialGradient id="RadialGradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fx="50%" fy="50%">

     <stop offset="25%" style="stop-color:rgb(25,255,0);stop-opacity:0.6" />

      <stop offset="55%" style="stop-color:rgb(180,0,255);stop-opacity:1.9" />

       <stop offset="90%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,180,255);stop-opacity:1" />



  <ellipse cx="200" cy="80" rx="100" ry="70" fill="url(#RadialGradient)" />

<text fill="#ffffff" font-size="30" font-family="Monotype Corsiva" x="157" y="86">






image 4.jpg

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