XML with Jquery

Reading XML file using JQuery :

In this following article we are going to see how we can read an XML file using JQuery. The JQuery AJAX API helps us to load data from the server without refreshing the page in the browser. Let us start by creating a simple XML file with some test data

We will name this file employees.xml


lastname>abcd</lastname>  </employee>
employee>    <firstname>wxy</firstname>
lastname>wxyz</lastname>  </employee>

Now we create a new HTML file and add references to the JQuery library


        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

The ajax() method of the jquery helps us to send an ajax request to a particular resource. In this case, for reading an XML file, we are going to use 5 parameters of Jquery Ajax.

  • URL: This string specifies the URL to which request is sent
  • type: This specifies the type of the request to be made ie either GET or POST. Default is GET.
  • dataType: This specifies the type of data that is expected back from the server.x
  • success: This specifies the function to be executed if the request succeeds
  • error: This specifies the function to be executed if the request fails.

So let us start writing jquery code to request some XML data through AJAX and process the returned results.

<script type="text/javascript">

         $(document).ready(function () {


        type: "GET",

        url: "employees.xml",

        dataType: "xml",

        success: function (data) {

            $(data).find('employee').each(function () {

                alert('Employee found');



        error: function () {

            alert('Could not process the XML');




</script>Here you can that see we have filled in the details for all the parameters that we talked about. The URL contains the xml file name, dataType is XML, type of request is GET which is by default and we have written a success function and an error function.

Open this file in FIREFOX browser and you will get alert boxes for the number of employees in your XML file. Now try to open this page in the Internet Explorer, it will give you the error ie the alert which we have written in the ERROR parameter in Ajax request.


Why doesn't it work properly in IE ? This is because the data that is received through Ajax request gets loaded into IE as simple text. We need to convert this into XML to use it for further processing.

We make the following changes to our code.

FIX to make the code work in IE :

For the dataType parameter we check if the browser is IE, we receive the data as TEXT

dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? "text" : "xml",

Our JQuery script changes to the below code

<script type="text/javascript">

         $(document).ready(function () {


|        type: "GET",

        url: "employees.xml",

        dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? "text" : "xml",

        success: function (data) {

            var xml;

            if (typeof data == "string") {

                xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");

                xml.async = false;



            else {

                xml = data;


           $(xml).find('employee').each(function () {

                alert('Employee found');



       error: function () {            alert('Could not process the XML');



In the success function, we have checked if the received data is in the string format ie TEXT. If yes, we create an XML object and load the received data into it. If the received data is in XML format(in case of Firefox), we simply assign the data to the 'xml' object

The complete XML and HTML files are attached with this article.

References :



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