Using the By QlikView personal edition tool you can analyze data in sources such as Excel Spreadsheets, databases, or text files. You can create charts from your data in a database or Excel file.
Use the following procedure to create a bar chart, line chart or pie chart from a SQL Server database.
Step 1
- Open QlikView tool and select file new menu
- The Select data source form will be shown.
Step 2
- Cancel this popup by Clicking the cancel button.
- Go to the file menu and click edit script
Step 3
- The Edit script form will be shown.
- Go to the Database section
Step 4
- Select OLEDB in the database combo box and click the connect button.
- Then the data link properties form will be shown
- Select the “Microsoft OLEDB provider for SQL Server” option in the data link properties pop-up.
Step 5
- Click the next button in the data link properties pop-up.
Step 6
- The Connection tab will be opened of data link properties pop-up.
- Fill in the data base details like servername, user id and password.
- Select the database on the server and click the “Test Connection” button.
Step 7
- A Test Connection Succeded pop-up will be shown when all the database details are correct.
Step 8
- On the database section of the “Edit script” pop-up click the “select” button below the “connect” button.
- Then the select statement dialog will be shown.
Step 9
- Select the view or table for the data analisis.
- Click the "OK" button.
Step 10
- The Connection string and query will be automatically saved in the script editor, you can also change this query script in this editor.
- You can also preview this view or table data using this popup.
Step 11
- Click on the “Save” button of the edit script pop-up menu button.
- A "Save as" dialog will be shown.
- The file will be saved with a “.qvw” file extension.
Step 12
- Click the “Reload” button of the QlikView menu.
- Click the quick chart wizard icon of the QlikView menu.
- The Quick chart wizard form will be shown.
Step 13
- Select the chart type you want to create, either bar chart, pie chart or line chart.
Step 14
- Click on the icon for the bar chart, pie chart or line chart to be created.
Step 15
- A dialog will be shown for the database details, like login id and password.
Step 16
- Select the columns of data used by the analisis or create a different chart.
Step 17
- Select the columns of data to be analyzed or create a different chart.
Step 18
- You can choose the style of the chart with this window.
- This Bar chart represents the number of cases of various projects.
Step 19
Bar Chart
Step 20
- Procedure to create a line chart
Step 21
- Select the columns of the table or view to create the line chart.
Step 22
- Select the columns of the table or view to create the line chart.
Step 23
Line Chart of cases of projects
Pie chart of cases of projects