Common ASP.Net Tips and Tricks - Part 2


This is a series articles of ASP.NET Tips and Tricks. Under my previous article Common ASP.Net Tips and Tricks Part 1, we learned configuration tips and tricks. The article explained common exceptions we encounter while development and best practices for code implementation.

Tips and Tricks

LINQ to Entities does not recognize ToString
Sometimes LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method "System.String ToString()" and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.


This type of exception frequently occurs when we are working with LINQ or EntityFramework.

For example:
  1. var result=dc.Tests.Where(i=>i.status==status.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();   
According to the preceding syntax, when we convert “status.ToString()”, in the where condition the exception "Expression not found such method in SQL" occurs where the condition returns an IQueryable result. So if we convert the result to IEnumerable, then the preceding type of exception never occurs.

For example:
  1. var result=dc.Tests. AsEnumerable().Where(i=>i.status==status.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
ToString() vs Convert.ToString()
Which is best, ToString() or Convert.ToString()?


Always use Convert.ToString() conversion for strings since it handles null values also, whereas ToString() leads to an exception when we convert a string from null.

string or StringBuilder
What to use, string or StringBuilder, for string manipulation?


Always use StringBuilder that stores a string for manipulation or appends a string to it. Whereas each string concatenation leads to copying a string to another string variable instead of preserving one memory allocation.

If(isBool==true) vs if(isBool)
What to use, If(isBool==true) or if(isBool)?


Always use if(isBool) like if condition since it is comfortable to read easily.

If(strValue==”some Value”) vs If(strValue.ToLower()==”some value”)

What to use, If(strValue==”some Value”) or If(strValue.ToLower()==”some value”)?


Whereas we filter records with search parameter always, first convert to lower case or upper case, then compare the result, since some search results do not work as expected with case sensitive words.

“” or string.Empty
What to use, “” or string.Empty, when initializing or reinitializing a string variable?


Best practices is to use string.Empty since no new instance is created, setting a “” value creates a new memory location to store the value into it.

Detecting which control is responsible for a postback event
How to detect which control is responsible for a postback event in an ASP.Net webform?


ASP.NET internally uses a “__EVENTTARGET” hidden field that stores the ID of the control that caused the post-back and acts accordingly. So we can easily detect a Checkbox change, Radio button change, Dropdownlist change and so on.

Resource Files not being compiled into DLLs

What to do when resource files are not being compiled into DLLs?


This type of error or problem occurs when we are using a resource file and a proper build action is not set.

Step 1
Right-click on the resource file that you have added or just selected and press F4 that displays the Properties window.

Step 2
Change the Build Action to Embedded Resource.

Then when we publish the website with a third-party DLL or tools on GoDaddy or other hosting platform sometimes a System.Security.Security Exception occurs due to trust level.

For example, Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.


To allow third-party tools or DLL to run with out website we need to put the following configuration in the web.config:
  1. <configuration>  
  2. <system.web>  
  3. <trust level="Full" />  
  4. </system.web>  
  5. </configuration>

I hope you found my previous article on ASP.NET Tips and Tricks Part 1 useful. In this article we learned common exceptions and their solutions with some best practices when developing to build a better product. I will provide other useful tips in my next series of articles. Thanks!

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