Using LINQ
In this article we will discuss the LINQ approach introduced in .NET 3.5 for querying.
- LINQ is a new technology introduced in .NET 3.5
- LINQ is acronym for Language Integrated Query
- The LINQ feature is one of the major differences between the .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 frameworks
- LINQ is designed to fill the gap that exists between traditional .NET, that offers strong typing, and a full Object-Oriented approach
LINQ introduces an easy-learning approach for querying and modifying data and can support querying various types of data sources including relational data, XML and in-memory data structures.
Advantages of Using LINQ
LINQ offers the following advantages:
- LINQ offers a common syntax for querying any type of data sources
- Secondly, it binds the gap between relational and object-oriented approachs
- LINQ expedites development time by catching errors at compile time and includes IntelliSense & Debugging support
- LINQ expressions are Strongly Typed.
What we mean by Strongly Typed?
Strongly typed expressions ensure access to values as the correct type at compile time & prevents type mismatch errors being caught when the code is compiled rather at run-time.
Core Assemblies in LINQ
The core assemblies in LINQ are:
using System.Linq
Provides Classes & Interface to support LINQ Queries
using System.Collections.Generic
Allows the user to create Strongly Typed collections that provide type safety and performance (LINQ to Objects)
using System.Data.Linq
Provides the functionality to access relational databases (LINQ to SQL)
using System.Xml.Linq
Provides the functionality for accessing XML documents using LINQ (LINQ to XML)
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping
Designates a class as an entity associated with a database.
Types of LINQ
LINQ provides three basic types of queries, each type offers specific functionality and is designed to query a specific source. The three basic types of queries are:
- LINQ to Objects
Let us briefly discuss each of them.
LINQ to Objects
- LINQ to Object is the basics of LINQ
- It enables us to perform complex query operations against any enumerable object (object that supports the IEnumerable interface)
LINQ queries provide the following advantages over traditional foreach loops:
- They are more concise & readable, especially when filtering multiple conditions
- Provides powerful filtering, grouping and ordering with little coding
Coding a Simple LINQ to Objects Query
Here, we will use LINQ to Objects to retrieve numbers greater than zero from an array of numbers.
- Create a new project and name it UsingLinq.
- Add a ListView control to the Form1. In the Form's Load event add the following code:
int[] arr = { 20, -12, 97, 86, -12, 77, 12, 0, 17, -87, 78 };
IEnumerable<int> FilteredValues = from valin arr
where val > 0
select val;
listView1.View = View.List;
foreach (var values in FilteredValues)
When running the code, we get the output as:
This displays the list of numbers greater than Zero.
In this we declare an integer array called arr.
int[] arr = { 20, -12, 97, 86, -12, 77, 12, 0, 17, -87, 78 };
To retrive the numbers greater than Zero from the int array, we query the int arry using IEnumerable<int> and loop through the int array arr with foreach using the LINQ to Objects query syntax.
LINQ to XML provides an in-memory XML programming API that integrates XML querying capabilities.
LINQ to XML provides facilities to edit XML documents and elements trees in memory as well as streaming facilities.
Coding LINQ to XML Query
We will use LINQ to retrieve element values from an XML document. Here we will retrieve the element ENAME using LINQ.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- Add a New Windows Form to the Project and name it FrmLoadXML.
- Add a ListView control and a button to the Form.
- Change the button's name to btnLoadXML using the Name property.
Paste the code below in the button Click Event:
//Loading the Employee.xml in memory
XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(@"D:\Employee.xml");
//Query XML doc
var vExmployees = from EmployeeNames in xdoc.Descendants("ENAME")
select EmployeeNames.Value;
// Displaying details
listView1.View = View.List;
foreach (var EmpNames in vExmployees)
When running the Form we get the output with the list of Employee names (ENAME column) from the Employee.xml file.
LINQ to SQL is the last form of LINQ, that provides functionalities to query SQL-based data sources.
Its functionalities are located in the System.Data.Linq assembly.
using System.Data.Linq;
A Simple LINQ query requires the following 3 things:
Entity Class
Data Context
LINQ query
Coding LINQ to SQL Query
In this we will use LINQ to SQL to retrieve all employee details from the EMP Table, as described in the following:
Navigate to Solution Explorer and add a new form named FrmSQLLinq.cs
Add a DataGridView control and button controls as in the following:
In the Button click event of "Load" we have used LINQ to SQL to retrieve Employee details from the EMP Table.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
namespace UsingLinq
public partial class FrmSQLLinq : Form
public class EMP
public int EMPNO;
public string ENAME;
public string JOB;
public int SAL;
public FrmSQLLinq()
private void btClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Connection String to the Server
string connString = @"Data Source=yourServer;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;user id=UserName;password=yourPwd;";
// create data context
DataContext db = new DataContext(connString);
// create typed table
Table<EMP> employees = db.GetTable<EMP>();
// Query Database
var emp = from c in employees select c;
dgEmployee.ColumnCount = 4;
dgEmployee.Columns[0].Name ="Emp No.";
dgEmployee.Columns[1].Name ="Emp Name";
dgEmployee.Columns[2].Name ="Job";
dgEmployee.Columns[3].Name ="Salary";
foreach (var c in emp)
dgEmployee.Rows.Add(c.EMPNO, c.ENAME, c.JOB, c.SAL);
When running the application we get the output as:
You now know that working with SQL LINQ requires:
Entity Class
Data Context
LINQ query
First, we define an entity class, as in the following:
public class EMP
public int EMPNO;
public string ENAME;
public string JOB;
public int SAL;
The Entity classes provide objects in which LINQ stores data from data sources. They are simply like other C# class.
[Table] – The Table attribute marks the class as an entity class and has an optional Name property that can be used to provide the name of a Table, that defaults to the class name. That is why we name the class EMP rather than Employee.
Here EMP is the table in the underlying database.
[Column] - The column Attribute sets the field as one that will hold data from the table. You can declare fields in an entity class that don't map to table columns, but must be of a type compatible with the table columns they map to.
// create data context
DataContext db = new DataContext(connString);
A Data Context manages the connection to the Data Source. It also translates LINQ requests into SQL, passes the SQL to the database server and creates objects from the result set.
// create typed table
Table<EMP> employees = db.GetTable<EMP>();
A typed table is a collection usually of type System.Data.Linq.Table<T> whose elements are of a specific type.
GetTable Method
The GetTable method of the DataContext tells the data context to access the results and indicates where to place them.
Here we get all the rows from the Employee Table, the data context creates an object for each row in the customers typed table.
// Query Database
var emp =
Here we declare implicitly a typed local variable emp of type var.
from c in employees
select c
select c, is like a SQL Select *, it gets all columns from the EMP class.
Article Sum-Up
In this article we have tried to learn about the technology called LINQ introduced in .NET 3.5 and the functionalities of each of the types of LINQ and how to use each of these types.