MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 11


In this article I describe the PHP MySQLI functions mysqli_real_escape_string, mysqli_refresh,  mysqli_rollback, mysqli_select_db and mysqli_set_charset. To learn some other MySQLI functions, go to:

  1. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 1
  2. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 2
  3. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 3
  4. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 4
  5. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 5
  6. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 6
  7. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 7
  8. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 8
  9. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 9
  10. MySQLi Function in PHP: Part 10
PHP mysqli_real_escape() Function

The PHP MySQLi "mysqli_real_escape_string" function escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement and this function returns an escaped string.



Parameters for the mysqli_real_escape function

The parameters of the function are:
Parameter Description
string It specifies the MySQL connection to use.
escapeString It specifies the string to be escaped and characters encoded are nul( ASCII 0), \N,\r,\ and control z.


An example of the function is:



if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))


echo "Unable to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();



// This query will fail, cause we did not escape $newpers

mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into emp (name) VALUES ('$names')");


// This query will work, cause we escaped $newpers

mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into emp (name) VALUES ('$names')");



PHP mysqli_refresh() Function

The PHP MySQLi "mysqli_refresh" function refreshes tables or caches and this function returns true if the refresh was a success otherwise it returns false.



Parameters for the mysqli_refresh function

The parameters of the function are:
Parameter Description
connection It specifies the mysql connection  to use.
options It specifies the option to refresh and the options are:
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_GRANT: It refreshes the grant tables.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_LOG: It flushes the logs.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_TABLES: It flushes the table cache.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_HOSTS: It flushes the host cache.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_STATUS: It resets the status variables.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_THREADS: It flushes the thread cache.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_SLAVE: It resets the master server info, and restarts the slave.
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_MASTER: It removes the binary log files in the binary log index, and truncates the index file.


An example of the function is:



if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))


echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();





PHP mysqli_rollbak() Function

The PHP MySQLi "mysqli_rollback" function rolls back the current transaction and this function returns true on success or false on failure..



Parameter for the mysqli_rollbak function

The parameter of the function is:
Parameter Description
connection It specifies the MySQL connection  to use.

An example of the function is:



if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))


echo "Unable to connect: " . mysqli_connect_error();


// Set autocommit to off


// Insert some values

mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO emp(id,name,salary)VALUES (110,'Vikram',30)");<br>

//without commit it does not save the records

// Rollback transaction




PHP mysqli_select_db() Function

The PHP MySQLi "mysqli_select_db" function selects the default database for database queries.

mysqli_select_db (connection, dbname);

Parameters for the mysqli_select_db function

The parameters of the function are:
Parameter Description
connection It specifies the MySQL connection to use.
dbname It specifies the default database to be used.

An example of the function is:


if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))


echo "Unable to connect: " . mysqli_connect_error();


//write PHP code foe "mysql" database


// write PHP code foe "test" database



PHP mysqli_set_charset() Function

The PHP MySQLi "mysqli_real_escape_string" function sets the default client character set and this function returns true on success or false on failure. 




An example of the function is:



if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))


echo "Unable to connect: " . mysqli_connect_error();





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