"Windows 7" file explorer is simple and similar to "Windows XP" file explorer. In this file explorer some file operations are in hidden form which are not visible, for example, "Optimization", "Hidden Items/Folders", "Sharing File On Network" etc, so "Windows 7" file explorer have some limited features as in the following screenshot,
Image source.
Microsoft added a new "File Explorer" to overcome the problem to use all file operations in old "File Explorer" window. It means all the file operations of "Windows 7" file explorer are visible in new file explorer window. So Microsoft added new look and feel explorer called Windows 10 "File Explorer" with advanced functionality that plays an important role in user friendly environment. Follows some steps to understand the new functionality Windows 10 "File Explorer".
Firstly, open new "File Explorer" using "Windows + E" shortcut from the keyboard or click on the "File Explorer" icon which is pinned on the taskbar as in the following screenshot,
1st way of opening file explorer,
2nd way of opening file explorer,
File Menu
We can click on the "File" menu and see some tools like "Command Prompt", "Open Windows Power Shell", etc which is not visible in "Windows 7" file explorer as in the following screenshot.
Home Menu
When we will press
"Windows + E" shortcut key, then
"Home" menu opens by default with some tools options as in the following screenshot,
Share Menu
Click on the
"Share" menu and you can see
"Advance Security ",
"Stop Sharing", and other options as in the following screenshot
![share menu]()
View Menu
Now we click on the
"View" menu bar and file operation tools can be seen as in the following screenshot.
"View" menu bar we can see multiple file operations options which are not visible in
"Windows 7" menu bar. By using these tools we can easily manipulate files which are not easy in
Windows 7 file explorer such as
"Hidden Items",
"Item Check Boxes" ,
"File Name Extension" ,
"Sort By" "layout", etc.
Hidden Menu / Manage Menu
In Windows 10 a new menu is added called
"Manage" menu or
"Hidden Menu". In this file explorer when you click on the single
"Extension File" like
".Jpg" ,
".Exe" ,
".doc" ,
".pdf" etc, then
"Manage" menu is
"ON", otherwise it is in
OFF mode as in the following screenshot,
To use
"Bit locker" ,
" Optimize" ,
"Cleanup" and
"Format", etc tools click on any "Drive" or "Pen Drive" as in the following screenshot.
In this article we learned how to use Windows 10
"File Explorer".