First of all I like to thank my colleague. Because I learned of this through my colleague Venkatesh. Thank for this man.
Step 1: How it is useful ?
- You can sort the object based on the URL parameter.
- You can sort the object at runtime.
- You can sort both asc and desc at runtime.
- Property can be passed as string to sort the object.
- Absolutely sorting at runtime.
- Reduced a lot of code.
- It is written in the generic way to reuse it.
Step 2: Sorting Mechanism
- Ascending
- Descending
Step 3: Used Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web;
Step 4: Usage of dynamic sorting
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Step 5: Sorting Dynamically based on the object property
private void SortStudents()
Students students = new Students();
//add the student to the list
students.Add(new Student("Tom", 83));
students.Add(new Student("Joe", 86.4));
students.Add(new Student("Rudy", 85));
students.Add(new Student("Chris", 87.2));
//Sorting by its name dynamically.
students = (Students)DynamicSort1<Student>(students, "Name", "asc");
//Sorting by its grade dynamically.
students = (Students)DynamicSort1<Student>(students, "Grade", "desc");
Step 6: Getting Comparer method using reflection
/// <summary>
/// Used to get method information using refection
/// </summary>
private static MethodInfo GetCompareToMethod<T>(T genericInstance, string sortExpression)
Type genericType = genericInstance.GetType();
object sortExpressionValue = genericType.GetProperty(sortExpression).GetValue(genericInstance, null);
Type sortExpressionType = sortExpressionValue.GetType();
MethodInfo compareToMethodOfSortExpressionType = sortExpressionType.GetMethod("CompareTo", new Type[] { sortExpressionType });
return compareToMethodOfSortExpressionType;
Step 7: Generic Dynamic Sorting mechanism
private static List<T> DynamicSort1<T>(List<T> genericList, string sortExpression, string sortDirection)
int sortReverser = sortDirection.ToLower().StartsWith("asc") ? 1 : -1;
Comparison<T> comparisonDelegate =
new Comparison<T>(delegate(T x, T y)
//Just to get the compare method info to compare the values.
MethodInfo compareToMethod = GetCompareToMethod<T>(x, sortExpression);
//Getting current object value.
object xSortExpressionValue = x.GetType().GetProperty(sortExpression).GetValue(x, null);
//Getting the previous value.
object ySortExpressionValue = y.GetType().GetProperty(sortExpression).GetValue(y, null);
//Comparing the current and next object value of collection.
object result = compareToMethod.Invoke(xSortExpressionValue, new object[] { ySortExpressionValue });
// result tells whether the compared object is equal,greater,lesser.
return sortReverser * Convert.ToInt16(result);
//here we using the comparison delegate to sort the object by its property
return genericList;
Step 8: Output of using NAME property of Student
Step 9: Output of using GRADE property of Student
Thanks for reading this article.