This article explains TCPDF with an image and HTML in PHP. Using this article you can learn how to use TCPDF in PHP. TCPDF is very helpful for creating Graph, Chart, and Image. TCPDF is a library for generating PDF documents with PHP and TCPDF is most useful and reliable for PHP projects. Before using TCPDF you need to verify that the GD library is enabled. If the GD library is enabled then you can start using TCPDF. If the GD library is not enabled then you should enable the GD library from the "php.ini" file. Let's start using TCPDF but here I will use TCPDF to create a simple image and HTML.
Simple example for PDF with TCPDF library.
$exa = new TCPDF();
//Assign text in pdf file
$text = "Simple Example of TCPDF";
$exa->Write( 20, $text );
//save the pdf file
$exa->Output( 'example.pdf', 'I' );
This example shows how to overlap an image with some text. Such as:
error_reporting ( E_ALL );
//requires file from tcpdf
require_once ('tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php');
require_once ('tcpdf/tcpdf.php');
$exa = new TCPDF ();
$exa->SetCreator ( PDF_CREATOR );
$exa->SetAuthor ( 'Vinod kumar' );
$exa->SetTitle ( 'Image with HTML' );
$exa->SetSubject ( 'Example of TCPDF' );
$exa->SetKeywords ( 'TCPDF, PDF, PHP' );
$exa->SetFont ( 'times', '', 18 );
$exa->AddPage ();
$txt = <<<HDOC
Example of TCPDF
$exa->Write ( 0, $txt );
$exa->setImageScale ( PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO );
$exa->setJPEGQuality ( 90 );
$exa->Image ( "fs.jpg" );
$txt = "<h2>Embedded HTML</h2>
This text should have some <em>italic</em> and some <strong>bold</strong>
and the caption should be an <h2>.";
$exa->WriteHTML ( $txt );
$exa->Output ( 'image_and_html.pdf', 'I' );
This example shows use of an Overlap Issue by inserting line breaks.
error_reporting ( E_ALL );
//requires file from tcdpf
require_once ('tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php');
require_once ('tcpdf/tcpdf.php');
$exa = new TCPDF();
$exa->setCreator ( PDF_CREATOR );
$exa->setAuthor ( 'Vinod kumar' );
$exa->setTitle ( 'Image with HTML' );
$exa->setSubject ( 'Example of TCPDF' );
$exa->setKeywords ( 'TCPDF, pdf, PHP' );
//setting font
$exa->setFont ( 'times', '', 18);
$exa->addPage ();
$txt = <<<HDOC
Example of TCPDF
$exa->Write ( 0, $txt );
$exa->Ln ();
$exa->setImageScale ( PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO );
$exa->setJPEGQuality ( 90 );
$exa->Image ( "fs.jpg" );
$exa->Ln ( 30 );
$txt = "<h2>Embedded HTML</h2>
This text should have some <em>italic</em> and some <strong>bold</strong>
and the caption should be an <h2>.";
$exa->WriteHTML ( $txt );
$exa->Output ( 'image_and_html.pdf', 'I' );