View to Controller Method 9: Day 31


In this article we post data from a view to a controller using a form and get the data using Request.Params.

To post data from a view to a controller, we saw the following methods:

  1. Using Html.BeginForm() View To Controller Method 1.

  2. Using Html.BeginForm() by passing the action name and controller name explicitly in View To Controller Method 2.

  3. Using Html.BeginForm() by passing FormMethod View To Controller Method 3.

  4. Using Html.BeginForm() by calling the action method by action name View To Controller Method 4.

  5. Using Html.BeginForm() and request object View To Controller Method 5.

  6. Using the Html form element and request object View To Controller Method 6.

  7. Using the Html form element and valueprovider View To Controller Method 7.

  8. Using the Html form element and Request.Form.Get.


  1. Create an MVC project from the "Empty" template.

    Right-click on "Controllers" and select "Add" >> "Controller...".

  2. Select "MVC 5 Controller - Empty" to add an empty controller.

    Click on the "Add" button.

  3. Name the controller "CalcController".

    The Index() action result method will be added.

  4. To add a view, right-click on "Index" and select "Add View...".

  5. Name the view and select "Empty (without model)" as the template. Click on the "Add" button.

  6. Create an HTML form element and define input controls inside the form element and set the post method.

    html code

  7. In the controller we get data using the Request object. Request.Params gets a combined collection of Querystring, Form, ServerVariables and Cookies items. Here in our example it gets from Form.

    controller code

  8. Run the project, insert a value for no1 and no2 and click on the "Submit" button. The form will be submitted and we will get the sum of the two values.


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