C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 12 October, 2014: Official Recap

Sunday, 12 October, 2014. The C# Corner Delhi Chapter had its monthly event "Delhi Developer's Day" at the C# Corner Noida Office, on 12 Oct, 2014. The event was named "Learn ASP.NET vNEXT, HTML5, MVC, Hybrid Apps in Windows and Deferred Object Materialization and 10 Secrets for making blazing fast ASP.NET applications".


We above-board admit the charge and addition of our sponsors in the growth and success of C# Corner Chapters.

C Sharp Corner

We are pleased to announce that again we have a record of over 380 registrations and also got a huge response, an audience of over 100 came to attend the chapter event.


Title Presenter Time
ASP.NET vNext: Part 2 Sumit Jolly 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Learn ASP.NET MVC RJ Nitin 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Windows runtime and Hybrid Application Development Vishal Kaushik 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Deferred Object Materialization Sathyaish 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
10 Secrets for making Blazing fast ASP.NET applications Brij Mishra 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
New features on Windows Azure Mohit Chhabra 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

The first session began in the morning at 10:30 by Sumit Jolly who continued "ASP.NETvNEXT: Part 1".

Sumit Jolly Session

Nitin took over from Sumit Jolly where he introduced "ASP.NET MVC", attendees learned many new things in his session.

Nitin Session

Then it was Vishal Kaushik who explained about "Windows Runtime and Hybrid Application Development".

Vishal Session

Then it was break time when attendees were interacting with each other and the speakers were personally sharing their views and getting a bit of their queries solved along with lunch.


The session after lunch break was conducted by Sathyaish discussing "Deferred Object Materialization".

Sathyaish Session

The fifth session by Brij Mishra revealed "10 secrets for making blazing fast ASP.NET applications".

Brij Session

The last session of the event was by Mohit Chhabra who explained the new features of "Windows Azure".

Mohit Session

After all the techie stuff it was time for a little fun, it was time for the goodies distribution. All the speakers asked the question from their respective sessions and gave away goodies to all the winners.

The event was long but the audience enjoyed all the sessions since they were provided with brilliant speakers and great topics that helped them to learn a lot.


The goal with each event has always been to provide deep technical content for the new features and functionality. We appreciate our wonderful speakers, sponsors and all the attendees who were able to join us and I hope they had an opportunity to receive the benefits of attending and once again we would like to thank all attendees that were present at the C# Corner Delhi Chapter, our sponsors and all the speakers for making the event a great success. I hope for more and more attendees in the future. 

If you should also like to be invited to future C# Corner Events then be in touch with us through our Chapter Page or follow us on Twitter at @CsharpCorner. You can also catch up with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CsharpCorner and on Google+ too at https://plus.google.com/+CsharpCorner/.

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