Delete Your WordPress Blog Or Site Hosted On


This is an article about how to delete a blog or site hosted on the WordPress official website.

It's an easy process with a small number of steps for deleting a Wordpress website. All steps are shown very impressively and in simple manner, so without any confusion you will be able to delete your blog from WordPress after going through this article.


Create your free blog or Website with

This provides you with free hosting your website with approx 3 GB storage and unlimited bandwidth support for your blog.

Create your personal blog, Business website, E-commerce market on

Let’s start:

The process described in this article has 12 easy steps to follow.

Step - 1 Go to URL

Open your web browser & go to the WordPress official site OR you can open your own blog created under

Step - 2 Log In / Sign In

Sign In / Log In with your own WordPress account.

Sign In

Step - 3 Go to User icon

Click on the user icon at the top right corner of the dashboard and this will display your public profile details like your First name, Last name etc., and then click on My Site at the top left corner of your website.

Step - 4 Shows Analytic of Website Blog

This will display analytics of your website hosted on and after that click on Settings at the bottom left corner of your website.


Step - 5 Delete Site

Now go to the bottom section of the page there you will find a NOTE. Read that NOTE carefully and then press on Delete Site.


Before deleting the site you may choose another option given by the website. If you want to keep your URL active and just want to remove the contents of the site you can do it by clicking on Start over.

Delete Site

Step - 6 Export Content Notice

In next screen WordPress will show you delete notification and if you want to export your content before deleting your site you can do it by clicking on Export Content or you can just get help from their support team by clicking on contact support.

Export Content Notice

Step - 7 Delete Site

If you don’t want to see your blog on the World Wide Web then click on Delete Site button. But before that you should keep one thing in mind that this action cannot be undone once it has been performed and you will not be able to see it on theiInternet.

Read instructions and notifications carefully before deleting your site.

You can also choose another way to delete your blog. This is mentioned at the end of the article.

Delete Site

Step - 8 Visit Blog

Click on Home button present at top left corner of your site OR just click on the blog name present beside the Home button. Both will perform one and a same thing, meaning this will take you to your Home page.

Visit Blog

Step - 9 WP Admin

You will be able to see your blog on the browser by just dragging the cursor to My Site and in that you will find option WP Admin just select it.

WP Admin
Step - 10 Export Blog Content

Scroll down the page, go for the Tools in menu and then click on Delete Site.

Before you perform this action export your blog content by clicking on Export Site.

Export Blog Content

Step - 11 Reason for Deletion

When you delete your site WordPress will ask you the reason for deleting the website, so just select any appropriate reason from the option.

You will find list of 4 to 5 reasons just select any one of them which you may think is appropriate for you.

Reason for Deletion

Step - 12 Delete Now

After that a box will pop up in front of you, in this box there will be options like "It was just a test," "I never use my site," etc. so just select any one of them. This is nothing but asking a reason for why you are deleting your website from WordPress.
After selecting any option you will find another box in front of you with options such as Update the URL, Use custom domain, Use different theme. This is nothing but WordPress provides another chance to us for continue using our WordPress website. So we can select any one of them or all of them as per need.

In bottom of that box you will find a button named Export Content beside Delete Now button. You can use this if you haven't exported your content before.

Delete Now

Thanks for reading.

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