Read here about Live Tiles in Windows Phone 7.5 or Mango phone You may have a requirement to schedule the update of the tiles. It is very much possible in Windows Phone 7.5 or Mango phone. You can set the UpdateIntravelas below, You can set the UpdateRecurrence as below, In last post we discussed the way to update a tile by querying the tile using the query string of the tile URI. Here again we will query for the tile in same way and schedule the update. The below function will schedule a tile update.
private void ScheduletilesUpdate() { var uri = new Uri("/LiveTileUserControl.xaml?state= Live Tile", UriKind.Relative); ShellTile tileToUpdate = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.Where(t => t.NavigationUri == uri).FirstOrDefault(); ShellTileSchedule SampleTileSchedule = new ShellTileSchedule(tileToUpdate); SampleTileSchedule.Recurrence = UpdateRecurrence.Interval; SampleTileSchedule.Interval = UpdateInterval.EveryHour; var tilesUpdatedData = new StandardTileData { Title = "Created Tiles Updated ", Count = 450, BackTitle = "Back Title" }; tileToUpdate.Update(tilesUpdatedData); } This was all about scheduling update of tiles. I hope this post was useful. Thanks for reading.
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