The following are my previous articles on the fundamentals of Entity Framework:
Practical Introduction To Entity Framework: Day 1
Practical Introduction To Entity Framework: Day 2
Practical Introduction To Entity Framework: Day 3
Practical Introduction To Entity Framework: Day 4
Practical Introduction To Entity Framework: Day 5
To start with this article please read all the 4 previous articles to understand better or see this video
I am assuming you have a basic understanding of Entity Framework now, so let's start.
How to return temporary tables and a dynamic query in Entity Framework
When we return a temporary table or dynamic query in a Stored Procedure, The Entity Framework doesn't create a scalar or complex type. Actually Entity Framework doesn't get the meta data of the query so it returns nothing.
So what is the solution? Because we have used many temporary tables in Stored Procedures.
I have 3 ways to resolve this problem, you can select one as you need to.
Let me explain the problem in detail and show some screens for a clear idea, then we will see solutions.
The following is a Stored Procedure with a temporary table:
- AS
- Create table #TempTable
- (
- id int,
- Name varchar(50)
- )
- insert into #TempTable
- values (1,'Dan')
- select * from #TempTable
Now check the function import in the mode browser as in the following:
You we will the get screen as below:
I think you can see the problem now, so now check all of the ways to resolve this problem.
Solution 1
Use a table variable instead of a temporary table as in the following code:
- AS
- Declare @TempTable table
- (
- id int,
- Name varchar(50)
- )
- insert into @TempTable
- values (1,'Dan')
- select * from @TempTable
- GO
Now check again the function of the Stored Procedure in the mode browser as in the following screen, you will get column information after clicking get column information.
Means we resolved the problem, we got column information.
Solution 2Use the following SQL command in the procedure and you will get the column information to create a new complex type.
- AS
- Set FMTONLY off;
- Create table #TempTable
- (
- id int,
- Name varchar(50)
- )
- insert into #TempTable
- values (1,'Dan')
- select * from #TempTable
- GO
Note: Set FMTONLY off; is the command you can comment out after you have created the complext type. Just keep in mind that if you have changed anything in the procedure then please remove the comment and update.
Solution 3
This is not a good way, but it's a very easy way. Just add a select statement with dummy data and it will not execute because 1=0.
- AS
- if 1= 0
- begin
- select 1 [id], 'MyName' [Name]
- end
- Create table #TempTable
- (
- id int,
- Name varchar(50)
- )
- insert into #TempTable
- values (1,'Dan')
- select * from #TempTable
- GO
That's it. Thanks for reading.