How to Acess Control Panel in Windows 8

The Windows 8 Control Panel is a Windows 8 Metro UI based interface which has been widely appreciated by the users. Many users use the control panel to perform administrative tasks such as creating users and uninstalling a program. Currently the second most talked about Windows 8 feature after Start Menu is Control Panel. The new Metro Control Panel doesn't replace Category View included in previous Windows versions, such as, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. You can still switch to the old Category view of the Control Panel from within the new interface. You can access the control panel in many ways:

Option 1: Using Charms Bar in Desktop.

Being on the desktop, click on setting from the Charms bar, then select Control Panel.



Option 2 : Using Desktop Shortcut Menu:

Move your mouse cursor to lower left corner until desktop shortcuts menu appears, then click on the control panel.


Note: you have to position the cursor to touch the exact point. Otherwise you get a different shortcut menu as shown below:


Option 3: Using desktop link on the Taskbar.

If your Desktop is displayed on the Task bar, you can click or touch the desktop link and open the Control Panel.


Note: you can add the Desktop link to the Task bar by right-clicking the lower left corner area and click on the Taskbars.

Some of the useful resources are:

Panel Control in ASP.Net

Transparent Panel in C#

Gradient Panel Custom Control

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