AmCharts in Windows Phone 8.0

Sometimes we need statistical charts to make a good and attractive interface in the application. For that purpose we have amCharts Quick Charts for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone. So here is a simple procedure to use these charts.

Step 1

Create an empty project for Windows Phone. After you create it, go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console

Step 2

Then write this statement in the Package Manager Console after "PM>".

PM> Install-Package amChartsQuickCharts

Package Manager Console after PM

Now you have successfully installed the amCharts references.

Step 3
But you need to provide references like this on the page where you want to add charts.

add charts

Pie Chart

Step 4
In the MainPage.xaml, provide this code in the <Grid/> tag.


Step 5
In the MainPage.xaml.cs, create a class outside the public partial class.

public partial class

Step 6
Now make an Observable Collection<>() inside the public partial class and add these values in it like this.

Observable Collection

Step 7
Then make a Loaded event of the page so that a pie chart can be visible on the page loaded event. You can do it like this.

page loaded event

Line Chart

Step 8
Add a new page and add this code to the <Grid/> tag.

Line Chart

Step 9
Now in the code behind, create a test class outside the public partial class.

test class
Step 10
Like a pie chart, also create an Observable Collection <> () and add this code to it.

Observable Collection page

Step 11
Now in the page loaded event, write this.


Now You are done with charts. Press CTRL+SHIFT+B (Build) and the press F5 (Run the project).

Some results are here.


Line Chart image

TechNet Article :)

Happy Coding :)

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