Before reading this article, please go through the following articles:
Step 1Follow the steps given in my last article to create a first video captured application using a webcam.
Preview Rotation A Preview rotation is for when you need to rotate the captured video while the video is being captured from the webcam or other capture enabled device. If you need to rotate the preview of the video then you can use preview rotation. Preview rotation can be provided using MediaCapture object's SetPreviewRotation method that takes a VideoRotation enumerations value as input and rotates the video.
In the above line we have captureMgr as the MediaCapture object. We called the SetPreviewRotation method of the MediaCapture class to rotate the video while previewing.
captureMgr.SetRecordRotation(VideoRotation.Clockwise90Degrees); ConclusionIn this easy way we can apply rotation on video in a Windows Store application.
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