Introduction In this article we are going to see how we can create a number of different Text controls in your Android application. We can configure, style, and manipulate the controls in a variety of ways; we have so many useful attributes we can use within the application to change the style, position etc. Learn from the basic text controls to your layout files, generally we have four types of Text Control's in Android: TextView EditText AutoCompleteTextView MultiCompleteTextView TextView TextView controls are usually included as part of your Activity's layout resource file. TextView has an interesting feature which is that it can automatically create a link based on the content of the Text; if the Text is an URL, an e-mail address or a phone number then when the user clicks on the textview the default intent launches whether it is the web browser or the dialer. The property which we use for the linking is: android:autoLink=""
Lets create the application to understand TextView
Lets create the application to understand EditText
In above code you see we use three types of properties autoText, capitalize and password same as android provides many other properties like singleLine etc. But these three are the main which is used with EditText:
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