ReadText and WriteText Statement in SQL Server 2012

In this article, I described how to use ReadText and WriteText statement in SQL Server. The ReadText statement is used to read or retrieve the text data instead of the select statement. The WriteText statement is used to write large of amounts of data to a "text" field or used to modifies the whole text data. So let's have a look at a practical example of how to use ReadText and WriteText statements in SQL Server 2012. The example is developed in SQL Server 2012 using the SQL Server Management Studio. 

Creating a table in SQL Server

Now we create a table named employee.

Create table EmployeeTable


EmpID int,

EmpName varchar(30),

EmpSalary int,

EmployeeFile Text



insert into employeeTable values('1','Smith','200000','Mrs. Smith has worked in Infosys since 22/7/2010')


Select * from employeeTable


The following is the sample data for the employee Table. 




ReadText statement


The ReadText statement is used to read or retrieve text data instead of the select statement. The general syntax of the ReadText statement is:



READTEXT table_name.col_name
pointer_name offset size

TEXTPTR - TEXTPTR returns a pointer to the text, ntext, or image column in the specified row or to the text, ntext, or image column in the last row returned by the query if more than one row is returned. Because TEXTPTR returns a 16-byte binary string, we recommend declaring a local variable to hold the text pointer, and then use the variable with READTEXT. From MSDN:

Size - Size specifies the limit of the number of bytes of data to be returned.


Declare @pointer varbinary(30)

Select @pointer =TEXTPTR (EmployeeFile)from employeeTable

Where EmpID=1

ReadText employeeTable.EmployeeFile @pointer 1 20




WriteText statement

The WriteText statement is used to write large of amounts of data to a "text" field or used to modify all the text data. The general syntax of the WriteText statement is:

WRITETEXT table_name.col_name
pointer_name [with log] data


Declare @pointer varbinary(30)

Select @pointer =TEXTPTR (EmployeeFile)from employeeTable

Where EmpID=1

Writetext employeeTable.EmployeeFile @pointer 'Rohatash'


Select * from EmployeeTable




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